Laura Bach
2 min readJun 21, 2016

Dear Mr. Vogel,

When I moved to DC a year ago from North Carolina, I only knew a handful of people in the city. After weeks of badgering, my friends Macon and Katelyn eventually convinced me to wake up at the crack of dawn and go to a November Project workout, and it changed my life. In this transient city, I was able to find my community.

November Project has encouraged me to move outside my comfort zone — whether that means exploring a park in a part of the city where I’ve never been, hugging a friendly stranger at 6:30am, or pushing my body to run up the stairs at Lincoln Memorial just one more time.

We don’t ask for much. Just the ability to work out in our city’s free parks. There are too many of us, you say. If you’ve ever met anyone from November Project, you’ve met one of the kindest, most generous, and most hard-working individuals in DC. In the tumultuous world that we live in, there simply cannot be too many of us.

We’ll be waiting for you at 6:30am every M/W(and at 5:30!)/F with open arms, if you’ll join us and #justshowup.

We’ll be the loudest cheering station at every race in our great city.

And we’ll even shovel your car out (no, really, we will).

Thank you,

Laura Bach

This post is to let NPS know how much NP and our workout locations mean to our community. See more here: