CS 373 Fall 2023: Laura Young

Laura Young
2 min readOct 2, 2023


  • What did you do this past week?
  • This past week, I finished up Project 1 with my group, attended class, completed the quizzes, and completed reading Paper #6.
  • What’s in your way?
  • Besides the normal business of life and classes, I had a stomach bug on saturday that basically threw away the whole day. I look forward to my weekends so this was a bit discouraging. However, I am just glad I have recovered.
  • What will you do next week?
  • Next week, I will continue to meet with my group and prepare for the Project 2 deadline. I will also complete the daily work attending class, taking quizzes, etc.
  • What did you think of Paper #6. The Open-Closed Principle.
  • The Open-Closed Principle was an interesting way to go about code organization. I think the shapes example was really helpful and illustrated the ways in which a more thoughtful design can produce more effective code. When approaching instances where modularization is possible, it is always best to make use of structure, inheritance, and design.
  • What did you think of of Python’s reduce and iteration? (This question will vary, week to week.)
  • I have really enjoyed learning about Python. This language is incredibly developer-friendly. For instance, there is a lot of flexibility in reduce and a lot of collections have iteration functionality. On the developers part, the cognition required is less demanding compared to other languages.
  • What did you think of of Project #2: IDB1.? (This question will vary, week to week.)
  • I think the project looks quite lengthy and intinimidating. I am also concerned with the web and scraping for information. Since the topic we were prompted to choose was incredibly specific, I worry that we may not have an excess of information available to us.
  • What made you happy this week?
  • I am happy that I got over my sickness from Saturday. Health is so easy to take for granted until it is no longer there.
  • What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
  • My pick-of-the-week is slack. Slack is a communication platform that is employed by many companies. It is easy to use, similar to discord, and allows for better conversation organization.

