Communication and Collaboration — How Our Millennial Staff is Leading Innovation at LDPR

5 min readNov 28, 2019


Written by: Laura Davidson, President of Laura Davidson Public Relations

In my 25+ years owning and operating LDPR, I have seen the way we work shift dramatically and I believe for the better. According to Inc. Magazine, by 2020, Millennials are forecast to comprise half of the American workforce, and by 2025, 75 percent of the global workforce — so it’s no surprise that work environments are changing with the growing presence of this tech-savvy and motivated new generation. At LDPR, our inspiration and creative drive comes from a younger generation of innovators who inspire us all to be the best we can be.

“If businesses want to remain competitive in their industry, they have to redesign their business from the bottom up with a focus on the internal culture.” — Forbes

To meet this generation’s desire for more of a work life balance, work environments are becoming more flexible, choosing to let employees express their own autonomy rather than be tethered to a desk. This flexibility is something that I also value for my staff and I have done my best to evolve and implement into our company culture. When the millennials entered the workforce, I think it took an adjustment period to understand what kind of work environment cultivates creativity, success and loyalty. Luckily, this generation is more than happy to tell us. As a business owner, it’s important to break through the millennial stereotype and find a way to harness the creative energy of this incredibly powerful generation. LDPR’s junior and mid-level employees — our “Magnificent Millennial” team — are considered an asset in the ever evolving and fast paced field of public relations. Most of our new ideas, revamped processes, and overall inspiration comes from them.

“Millennials value community and collaboration” — Jonathan Webb of global manufacturer KI Furniture.

Tapping into our millennial staff was especially relevant this year, as 2019 was our year of re-energizing the LDPR brand. With this refresh, we aimed to become more vibrant and reflect what we stand for. Our new logo, new website, office redesign and innovative approach to social media was all driven by millennials. I knew when it came to our office space that we needed a more open, inviting atmosphere not only for our clients but for the staff to have creative places to host their breakout sessions or change of atmosphere in the midday slump. We are in a loft space, which is a cool concept in itself, but our dated color scheme, furniture and layout needed an uplift. With this in mind it only made sense to tap into our mid-level team to lead the office redesign. We armed them with a budget and they used their resources and creativity to design a fantastic “living room” space as you walk into our offices — including a whole new color scheme and fresh paint throughout the office. Today, our space is welcoming, fun, relevant, and energizing for our team and our visiting clients. And we’re already seeing an ROI — I’m proud to report our collaborative company rebrand has no doubt sparked new energy into the LDPR team, as we have won 6 new accounts in Q4, setting us up for even greater success in 2020.


Now for a Q&A with Dana Curatolo, LDPR Vice President who lead the LDPR rebrand:

Being a millennial yourself what’s most important to you in a work environment / culture for you to be successful?

I think balance is crucial — for myself personally, I lean toward spaces that balance creative stimulation but also feel comfortable yet refined, approachable but not stuffy or intimidating. I want to feel like I’m at work — but also in an environment that feels welcoming and warm.

What are some notable parts of the LDPR culture that cultivate that? Anything thing that sets it apart from past jobs?

Well, we’re a boutique, family-owned business so you certainly feel that energy here. We care deeply for each other and embody the ethos of “team” from every angle of our business operation. I am a relationship driven person and relationships are the focal point of PR as an industry. We celebrate those alliances with our team, the media, and our clients every day. Many of our partners have been with us for 8+ years — I think that speaks volumes.

What was your role in the office redesign? Your favorite part of the process?

I had a vision of what our new space would look like — enrolled the team, and thanks to our individual passions and expertise, we worked together to bring it to life. My favorite part of the process was definitely idea mapping and witnessing everything come together in stages.

Have you noticed a change in the working environment, for you personally and your peers?

Yes, a renewed sense of invigoration, creativity and use of space when it comes to hosting brainstorming/ break-out sessions. I think the new environment better encapsulates who we are as a brand and we feel proud of that.

Any notable feedback from clients?

“Oh. So. Fresh.” — from a client was a good one.

Three adjectives that describe the look and feel of the LDPR office and website now.

Global. Chic. Inviting.





Laura Davidson Public Relations has guided some of the world’s most prestigious travel and lifestyle brands through an evolving media landscape.