How to build discipline in one day

Diary of a future millionaire
4 min readOct 19, 2021


If someone tells you that you need to build a habit in 21 days, it’s a lie. The right Mindset can build discipline from day one, and I show you how.

If you have a goal, that really burns on your soul, you will work on it every day without any lack of discipline, because it's your dream.

I worked for three years on my e-commerce store and had a lot of lack of discipline and motivation and a lot of headaches. But after I thought about changing my business model, my whole life changed.

Now I’m running a successful agency and work on it almost every day. I wake up early and hustle my ass off.

What changed?

Wrong goals

I worked for years with the goal to drive a super fancy car and the universe gave me this super fancy Mercedes convertible, with 230 PS by age 25.

One month after the shiny object syndrome died in my soul, I realized, that I literally worked for nothing the last years. I mean, a car? This was my life goal? Hell no. I had a cool car, but a broken business. So I changed my whole way of thinking.

If you realize a lack of discipline, the problem is not the discipline itself. I had a lack of creativity, fun and I had the wrong goals. And maybe this is also your problem.

It’s hard to say to yourself: What I do is wrong for me.

Yes, we all want to become millionaires and drive fancy cars. But never let the shiny object syndrome forget who you are. I skipped my store and run an agency now.

My work is still in the same field, but my goal is not anymore to become a millionaire and work for the money, I became self-employed to be free, but then I put my soul in prison for money.

I work now for a better world. I want to change the way how art galleries and museums behave. And if I can solve this problem, I can become a millionaire — automatically.

It’s not always running ads and hustling 24/7.

You can wake up at 10 am and still get successful.

Here are my tips to build discipline from day one.

Figure out what your REAL life goals are.

  • Get creative and live in full freedom
  • Read daily and build healthy habits
  • Change the way how artist think (personal example)
  • Achieve financial freedom

These are real goals, and you should really combine this with your hobbies.

Because if you have fun with your work, you can work many hours on it without getting tired, and this will bring you the real success. And the lambo if you want it.

If you work on something with a real sense, something that's bigger than you, you will be inspired everyday.

  1. Work for yourself and for a better world, solve a problem
  2. Save your money and invest, this is how you can focus on your work without worrying about your financial situation, this is also a big problem for a lot of people, because the first months you won’t earn a dollar, many people give up too soon.
  3. Never sell your soul on a business model, stay flexible, you are not giving up, you just change the way you achieve your goals
  4. Stay creative and healthy, sleep and fitness is super important for a healthy body and mind. You can achieve more, when you are full of energy.
  5. Don’t stress yourself too much. If you want to wake up at 5:30 am, but you sleep until 9 am, you can still be successful on that day.
  6. Stop judging yourself for nonsense.
  7. Talk with your friends about your feelings, but not about your business in detail, because everyone has an opinion, but has no idea what you really work on. They will give you tips or say: just stop it. — Hell no, if they don’t work in that area, don’t listen to it too much.
  8. Journal daily to reflect your achievements.
  9. Focus on money generating tasks. But don’t forget to do creative work daily.
  10. Time management is everything if you are self-employed. Try many models until you find the right one for you. (I work from 8 to 12 on money tasks and from 12 to 5 on creative tasks.)
  11. Work on a quiet place and read the book Deep Work. This is life changing and will help you to achieve more in less time. You don’t have to work 100 hours a week to become successful. 40–50 hours is total fine, if you focus on the right things. Free time to recharge your batteries is super important.

And don’t forget, we don’t live to work, we work to live.

I hope, you enjoyed this article, and it helped you to focus on the right things in life to achieve more and become more disciplined.

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