A Mission To Cure Obesity

My name is Laurah Lawson and I am on a mission to Cure Obesity.

Laurah Lawson
2 min readJul 27, 2016

I believe it is our right, as human beings, to know how to feed ourselves. While I think education and support is the long-term answer to end obesity, I think the first step is providing a solution to get there…

I am creating a meal delivery option for children using clean, whole foods disguised as foods kids love~Our menu will be tweaked for picky palates and growing bodies. Not only will our meals be a great solution within homes for families needing convenient options, but our meals will also supply schools with affordable meals through the charity efforts of our network. Eating responsibly will be easy, affordable and convenient:

  • Ready-to-Eat
  • Microwave-Friendly/Oven-Happy
  • Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Lunchbox Ready
  • Shipped Nationwide

In order to do this, I need to collect the problems and struggles families experience when trying to feed their children. I have drafted up a series of questions into a survey that will help me better understand what people’s needs are. I will need 3,000 surveys filled out and retuned from all demographics across this nation. I need your help to distribute them.

There are 3 ways you can help me…

1.) TAKE THIS SURVEY…it only takes a few minutes (CLICK HERE)

2.) SHARE THIS SURVEY…distribute it in your networks and connect me to groups, communities, schools etc…

3.) Join Me…feel connected to our mission? (CLICK HERE )

I appreciate your help in sharing, spreading and fueling the fight on fat. A token of my appreciation:

20% off ALL Eatology Meal Packages (Coupon Code: HelpKidsEat)


FaceBook: Laurah Lawson

FaceBook: Eatology

Email: Laurah@Eatology.co


