Prostitutes thrived in ancient Greece, with some wearing special sandals that printed a message in the ground reading, “Follow me”

Laura Johanson
1 min readFeb 4, 2018


You may approve or disapprove of prostitution as much as you want, but the fact is that ever since the earliest human cultures started to develop, prostitution developed too. As temples, marketplaces, and local customs evolved and thrived in the days of ancient Mesopotamia, so did prostitution. Hence it is sometimes referred to as the world’s oldest profession.

When Sumerian culture established itself in the territory of Mesopotamia, one of the most prominent cults was that of the goddess Inanna, who was known later as Ishtar in other regional cultures. Her figure unquestionably inspired a universal admiration across the entire Middle East. Among other things, she emerged as the patron of prostitutes and public houses, and part of her worship likely included temple prostitution as well.

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