The Virtual Reality Girl
3 min readAug 26, 2017


CVRN creates works of art using groundbreaking techniques and hardware to create custom 360/VR media for the cannabis industry.

Their network includes distribution on the LittleStar Network, the Playstation VR Network, Apple TV and Android TV as well as all social media platforms and video sharing sites and can be viewed on any mobile device and headset.

The future of CVRN will include 4k+ live streaming and (SVOD) services.

1. Tell me about Yourself:
My name is Matt Dula. I spend 5 years in the United States Marine Corps. After which I attended the film program at Cape Fear Community college to receive an education in hands on training for film in 2D.

2. Describe how did you first get into VR/AR?
I first got into VR buy accident at the Cucalorus Film Festival. I was a member of a panel on entrepreneurship and bumped into the VR panel. We happened to have the same ideas around merging our two ideas and the Cannabis Virtual Reality Network was born.

3.Can you describe VR/AR/MR as if I knew nothing about it or the market?
If one could imagine a media that allowed for total immersion into a particular subject matter with the assistance of mobile devices that would be a close shot in the dark.

4 What was the most challenging moment YOU have faced on the VR/AR journey so far?
Funding. XR(AR/MR/VR) is expensive! Shooting professional level stuff is not a pick and click event. You really have to have the right teams and collaborations. The hardware and software are very cost prohibitive.

5 How do you hope this industry advances within the next year?
Within the next year I really hope to see live stream 4k a reality on every major platform and the price point to enter into the headset game become lower.

What are three implications that is faced when developing for VR/AR?
1) The content is going to extremely engaging.
2) It will take 2x as long in post
3) It will be expensive

8. What is your predictions for this industry?
VR will continue to blossom as more content is created. More platforms will allow for VR. AR will surpass VR as the go to medium with higher monetization.

9. What hurdles must we face before it goes mainstream?
Our current mainstream platforms need to allow VR to be more accessible and we need a lot more content.

10. Any advice for people trying to get into the industry?
Practice with every camera you can get your hands on. Use every software you can afford. Seek out mentors and collaborate freely with others in the industry.

Click here to find out more!

Originally published at The Virtual Reality Girl.



The Virtual Reality Girl

I find the future of this new technology fascinating and exciting. It goes far beyond gaming. Find out more as I explore VR!