14 Sad, Weird and Damaging Things Whiteness Expects of Its People

Laura M. Quainoo
7 min readJul 15, 2022

Warning: Some of these may annoy you

The more I examine Whiteness, the more I realize just how much it has screwed the people inducted into its clan up. By requiring adherence to an unspoken code, it has damaged the souls of some of these same people. Such has left large swaths of White people bereft of empathy, feeling disconnected from fellow citizens and has caused profound feelings of loss and shame, with many being unable to identify precisely why they feel this way.

Today, let’s talk about some of the things we’ve observed or have heard people who identify as White outright admit about Whiteness and its unspoken rules.

Here are just a few things Whiteness all but demands of its people:

1. Look the Other Way

A lot of White people pretend not to see systemic oppression. Such is easy to do while refusing to listen to Black people and People of Color or when folk prefer alternate news sources reporting that conversations about racism aren’t actually real, but are just political theater. Deep down, we suspect that all White people know that Black people have been catching hell since being dragged out of Africa in chains, but Whiteness demands they do nothing about it and so most simply…



Laura M. Quainoo

I write about race, CHOSSA (Children of Stolen & Sold Africans…ie Black people), embracing Africa as our ancestral homeland & other stuff as my Spirit moves me.