African Beaten to Death as Italians Gather to Watch, But Do Not Help

Does Italy have a race problem?

Laura M. Quainoo
6 min readJul 31, 2022

Sad news from Europe this weekend as reports of a Nigerian street vendor being killed in broad daylight have been circulating the web. Almost as heartbreaking as the murder, is the number of Italians who stood by and videotaped the brutal attack, but did nothing to intervene on the victim’s behalf. Just a few years after a horrific 2018 hate-fueled shooting spree which targeted African immigrants, Black people around the world are questioning whether or not Black lives matter in Italy?

After being hit by a car and rendered disabled, a Nigerian immigrant, Alika Ogorchukwu, took to selling items on the street to support his wife and children. Needing a cane to assist him while walking, it’s hard to imagine this man being a threat to anyone. At the end of his life, however, the same cane he relied on daily was used to strike him to the ground by an able-bodied man who ended up taking his life as bystanders watched, but did not intervene.

What led to the altercation is unclear at the moment. According to one person, Alika was asking for spare change just prior to the attack, but another report says the deceased told a woman who was…



Laura M. Quainoo

I write about race, CHOSSA (Children of Stolen & Sold Africans…ie Black people), embracing Africa as our ancestral homeland & other stuff as my Spirit moves me.