People of Pallor: 6 Reasons to Embrace a Unique Label For White Folks

BIPOCPOP, say it with me now…

Laura M. Quainoo
5 min readMar 19, 2023

I don’t know of a better phrase to describe White folks than ‘People of Pallor’. It’s just so spot on.

The first time I discovered the term was while reading a comment on social media. After Googling its origins, I found an author who’d used the expression in his book’s title back in 2020.

Moving forward, I think I’ll use this most fitting descriptor rather often when referring to people also known as White and here are 6 reasons why I believe you should do the same:

1. It’s a Colorblind Person’s Dream

Hoping to avoid the topic of race, we’ve all heard so-called White people claim to not see color. Of course we don’t believe them (especially if they hail from the U.S.), but now we can offer them a middle ground since, in People of Pallor, there’s no color to see!

2. It’s Not OK to Be White, But…

It is definitely ok to be a Person of Pallor. Some are just naturally born with pale complexions. Whiteness, on the other hand, is a caste designation. It was created as a villainous plan to divide and subjugate humans (and the Alt Right manipulates the phrase, “It’s ok to be White”, in their…



Laura M. Quainoo

I write about race, CHOSSA (Children of Stolen & Sold Africans…ie Black people), embracing Africa as our ancestral homeland & other stuff as my Spirit moves me.