Why we’re making a book for kids about Barack Obama

Laura Olin
3 min readNov 13, 2017


For millions of children in America and around the world, Donald J. Trump will ground their conception of what an American president is.

Their first standard-bearer for truth, justice, and American values will be Donald Trump.

As of June 6, 2017

Their first reckoning of someone who is supposed to be the country’s leader, commander in chief, and consoler in chief in times of tragedy will be Donald Trump.

They’ll understand that millions of people saw fit to give one person the most powerful job on earth, and they’ll understand that millions of people thought Donald Trump was the person for that job.

Because of all this, the president of the United States of America is supposed to be a role model.

I keep thinking about all of this in the context of my nephews, who are now eight and nine years old.

They recall Barack Obama a bit, but it’s likely that Donald Trump will be the first president they really remember well.

For them, and for millions of children like them, I’m making a book for kids about a Barack Obama. The project was funded in 33 hours last week, so now the goal is more books for more kids.

What will the next few years teach kids about America and what it stands for? What will they learn from the current U.S. president about how to treat other people?

Let’s make sure kids know the story of a president who represented the best of us, and who reminded us what we can do when we work together for change.

Because kids should know:

We once had a president who was kind and who knew that everyone is important.

Kids should know that we once had a president who pulled the country out of the worst economic crisis we’ve seen since the Great Depression, saved the auto industry, ended two wars, and championed diversity and equality.

Kids should know that we once had a president who was black.

Above all, kids should know that all of us can be a part of making our country better, for everyone in it, and that change can start with them.

You can support the book by sharing or backing the campaign.


