Why the Simple Things Are Worth Noticing

Laure Justice
4 min readAug 25, 2019


Last week, I drove into town and was busy thinking about the day I had planned and wondering how I was going to fit in everything I needed to do. I was driving slowly, and carefully — and I thought I was paying attention to every little detail. However, when I got to town, a friend said, “How about that rain?” I thought — rain? When did it rain?

Simple Things: Driving in the Rain:
Image by Jake Heckey from Pixabay

To shorten this story a bit — my car was covered in raindrops. I had driven to town in the rain and not even noticed it! (Talk about doing something with your brain on autopilot!) So, I guess my first reason to suggest taking time to notice the simple things has to be for safety’s sake. There are plenty of other reasons, too, though, so read on…

The Simple Things Add Beauty to Everyday Life

I’ll be the first to say, I’m not always great at noticing the simple things in life and finding joy and beauty in them. I get busy trying to keep up with work, family life, caring for pets, mowing the yard… and on and on and on, and it makes me feel overwhelmed, or maybe underwhelmed would be a better word choice.

Stress from the rat race of life
Image by annca from Pixabay

It’s really easy to get caught up in the ‘rat race’ aspect of life and neglect self-care. After all, bills need to be paid, people need to eat, and nobody wants to ‘live broke’ or face old age with no money saved. A little bit of self-care, in the form of noticing, and appreciating, the simple things in life goes a long way and can even help you succeed at the ‘rat race’ part of life.

Enjoy simple things like a hugging a pet
Image by Henriet Haan from Pixabay

In those moments when you stop to enjoy the simple things in life, like the beauty of a flower, the way the clouds floating overhead look like an animal, or the way it feels when your pet wants to cuddle up beside you when you sit down, it increases the gratitude and satisfaction you feel — or it can if you choose to let it.

Unexpected Simple Things to Brighten Your Day

One great thing about enjoying the simple things in life is that most of them are either free or cost very little. Plus, the simple things are all around us and can come from unexpected places.

Image courtesy of Intrinsic Vicissitude

Using the picture above as an example, and the Henry David Thoreau quote, you can look at the sky when a storm’s rolling in and only see the dark clouds and negative aspects. Or, you can pause a moment to focus on the way the daisies flutter in the wind and admire the strength of the abandoned windmill that’s still standing after over a hundred years.

Watch for These Simple Things

I wanted to include a few ideas of simple things to be on the lookout for when you’re trying to appreciate the little things in life.

These are just a few suggestions and — if you feel inspired to share — I would love to hear about the simple things that add to your quality of life in the comments below:

  • The intricate design of a flower
  • The way your pet’s fur feels against your hand
  • The purr of a kitten
  • Someone’s smile when they see you
  • The way a gentle breeze feels against your skin
  • The warmth of the sun on your face when you look up at the sky on a chilly day
  • Your favorite song
  • Any song from your favorite music genre
  • The flavor of your favorite food
  • The way a bite of your favorite comfort food quiets your frazzled nerves

Things to Help You Notice the Simple Things in Life

When you’re stressed or upset, it’s hard to make your self stop and notice the little things that add beauty to life. It’s also the time you need to do that the most.

Crocus photo by Laure Justice
Crocus photo by Laure Justice

Some easy suggestions for resetting your mood so you can appreciate the beauty around you include taking a few calming breaths, even if you have to go hide in the restroom to do it, and another is getting out your camera and taking a photo of something that interests you. The moments you spend focusing your camera on your chosen subject can help you refocus, too.



Laure Justice

Laure Justice is a freelance writer from Ohio. She began writing content for websites in 2008 and specializes in writing web content and SEO articles.