The Biggest Hater In My Life Has Been My Mother

Sometimes mothers hate their daughters and we must accept this truth

Laurel Sibanda
8 min readAug 28, 2023
Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

No one alive on this planet has been as cruel to me as my mother.

After years in therapy, healing, shadow work and reading a whole lot about the relationships between mothers and daughters, I can see that our relationship was pretty doomed from the beginning.

I was a premature baby born via c-section. The story as it’s been told and rooted in my subconscious has been “you almost killed your mother”. It’s been told to me, over and over (often with an intention of making me feel guilty for choosing my own life). I have since learned that the stresses that a mother is in during pregnancy and childbirth are not only passed on to the child but they also affect the mother-child relationship.*

From there, my mother moved to the UK when I was five-years-old. Our mother-child emotional bond was severed. She would come and visit Zimbabwe, but by then, I had already experienced the trauma from her leaving and I was now disconnected from her. She was now like a stranger to me. I saw her as a figure who would visit to bring me gifts and chocolates. Like a Mrs Claus.

Fast-forward to my teenage years after I moved to the UK. We hadn’t bonded during my early…



Laurel Sibanda

Here to be honest. Mostly writing about healing work, spirituality, self-love, love and all other human lessons and blessings.