Life Works

Laurel Sobol
4 min readFeb 3, 2016

My life has focused on family and global community of over 8 billion people, yes I count in utero babies, in trying to bring awareness and restoration of human rights healthy earth healthy inhabitants forever. I’ve had over a thousand websites hacked, including, and I’m tired and sad. I can see that elite corporate banksters and other unethical people don’t like what I have to say, may not like what I’m doing, that is why I am part of a giant global community that does have morals and ethics, and we are bigger and better than them. About a month ago I reported that Chipolte faced bio terrorism by elite corporate banksters and others who don’t like to see a restaurant chain like Chipolte’s do well with natural and non GMO non Glyphosate toxic foods. Today the CDC made an announcement and Natural News reported on the article, stating the very concerns I had. Thank God for the information he gave my heart, for me to be brave to speak about it on a global forum, my website, which as noted was hacked so badly I had to delete the site. The thing to remember here is that all food, forests, seas, land, farms and products have been contaminated by the nuclear power plant radiation waste byproducts named over a thousand different noms, and mainly called toxic GMO’s and Glyphosate, DDT, 2–4-D, Agent Orange, Fluoride additives to city drinking water, and other environmental toxins. Please check out my youtube channel laurel sobol, also known as laurelsobol and please subscribe and leave comments if you like. This channel takes you to the core of what’s going on, and the pieces of the puzzle will suddenly be put in place. There is still a difference in foods and drugs, vaccines, while mostly contaminated intentionally with toxins from said nuclear power plants, the toxic substances are sprayed from jets, automobiles, spread on foods, inside and out, medicines, health products, even or should I say especially those labelled USDA Organic because 5% or more of the ingredients in these items can have and many do contain toxic GMO’s and Glyphosate. So how can you be safe and live well when the forests are dying around the world from toxic sprays and chemical man-made rains and storms battling them day in and day out? Trust God with all your heart, let your intuition and intellect guide you. Avoid all the known GMO’s and Glyphosate you possibly can, and read labels intently, if it says Magnesium Stearate, Stearic Acid, Palmitate, you are looking at super GMO’s in your organic labelled or other labelled items and should not but such items. Make your own food and try to get to know your local farmers, do they spray their crops, do they love Monsanto GMO products and crops all of the most beautiful places on earth including the Willamette Valley grass capitol of the world? People in South America are standing up for pure seeds without toxins and battling against Monsanto and their hit men and hit women Blackwater group all the time. Mothers and fathers, entire families, wiped out by this company and the likes of them, all because they wanted to have a life worth living without the toxic poisoned ‘apples from the witch in Sleeping Beauty’ ~because that is exactly what is happening.

You’re supposed to be too google eyed looking at your twitter account and pinterest, glued to your ipad and iphones to know what’s going on around you as the world collapses in global genocide. Stand up, tell your family what’s in your heart, do it slowly, not too slowly, share with your neighbors, so what if they never will talk to you again…the thing is are you living for God, and helping to save his creation, or are you complicit with the global war crimes against all God’s creation because you don’t have the gumph to stand up to moral and ethically deprived and brute people who are nothing but bullies?

If nothing else do it for the children, do it for the animals, do it for the dolphins and seals and birds, forests and plants and water ways that can not speak out against the genocide they are all facing! And if nobody thanks you for your life’s hard work, and your love and energy, pursuing happiness in this thankless crew of people around the world, then by God do it for them and do it for God above all else…I assure you God loves what he created or he would not have wasted his time creating it. Trust and believe that your small voice will be the tiny crack in the genocide dam, and you will be heard around the world and you will be heard by God most of all, and he will smile at your efforts and you will have made a miracle happen because when God smiles and feels good, the whole world does too :)



Laurel Sobol

Mommy Author Artist Restoration Human Rights Healthy Earth Healthy Inhabitants Forevermore…Soli Deo Gloria ~Organic Lifestyle Today and Pure & Natural Lifestyle