The Importance of Strengths and Values

Lauren Kimberly
2 min readMar 30, 2019


After my time in sorority life I have been able to understand and embrace my values and strengths. I have been able to serve as a Panhellenic Counselor teaching new girls going through recruitment about values and how to find their own values. I have a values that I consider my core values. They include loyalty, passion, freedom, and happiness. I think these are my core values because I try to use them everyday of my life. Loyalty is one of my sororities values and the one I try to live by the most. I want to be loyal to every important person in my life. I contain a lot of passion for my career path and extracurricular activities. I like to live as a free spirit and live life the way I choose and want to. Lastly, I think happiness is the core value that everyone tries to find in life, through career choices and love.

When it comes to my core strengths some of them align with my core values. I would say my core strengths include problem solving, creativity, love, and loyalty. I am very good at coming up with solutions to problems and thinking of multiple situations. I love art and new ideas so that is why creativity is one of my strengths. I tend to put a lot of love into those around me and try to give them all the love I have. Lastly, loyalty is something very important to me, but also something that I am very good at with others. Values and strengths are something that are very important in our lives and help shape how we make choices and interact with others.

