Change Your Mindset and Food Plan for Weight-loss Success

Lauren Reeves
3 min readOct 10, 2019


Photo by MaggieLovesOrbit On Insta on Unsplash

There I was — walking at least 3 miles every day, but the scale wasn’t budging. I was working hard but not seeing any results. Logging 10,000 steps at a minimum each day was the norm, so what was the issue?

I went to my doctor for a check-up, and she told me that 80% of weight loss correlates with your diet. Hmmm…since I had been on at least 20 diets in the past 20 years, I knew all the tricks of the trade. But did I really?

I decided to try something, hoping it would work. I searched online for different foods that I liked but without all of the calories. This new way of eating meant that I could have all the things I love without being deprived. We all hate diets because it is “you can’t have this or stay away from that.” No fun. I like to have an occasional cocktail, and I can’t refuse dessert. But I wanted to shed those pounds that have been inhibiting my mood and self-esteem.

So, I kept going with small changes. I added more fruits and veggies every day, and I began tracking my food intake with a free app. I started drinking only water, coffee, and an occasional diet soda.

Low and behold, in 2 months, I have lost 19 pounds.

This way of just watching my food intake plus my walking has now made that scale move in the right direction.

My mindset was altered as well. I always thought I’ll just be fat forever. WRONG. Such a bad way of thinking. Seeing the error of my ways helped my view.

I follow these tips:

Stay Away From Sugar

Sugar is worse than a drug addiction. It is in just about everything we eat. Pay attention to the amount of sugar you are putting into your body each day. The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than six teaspoons of sugar each day. That equals 25 grams or 100 calories each day. To lose weight, aim for less than that. Read the labels of the food you are consuming.

Watch Your Carbs

Make sure that the carbohydrates that you are eating are the “good” kind. Avoid white bread, potatoes, and white rice. Opt for healthier versions like brown rice, whole wheat bread, and green vegetables.


You hear this all the time…hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Your body is made up of 50–55% water. So why deprive yourself of the clear goodness. Aim to drink a glass of water before you eat each meal, first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. Then carry a water bottle with you throughout the day and sip on.

Take Your Vitamins

At a minimum, everyone should be taking vitamins. There is no way that we get all of our daily nutrients with the food we intake. Start with a multivitamin and then do some research on others that might help you. Ask your doctor too. Getting the right vitamins and minerals will help you live a long and productive life.

Don’t Lose Hope

The fastest way to NOT lose weight is to give up. I know this oh too well. I used to think that losing weight should happen quick — after all, I am working really hard. It is a slow process, and you have to be patient. Some of the weight may come off right away…then you have those stubborn pounds that tend to linger. Have faith, work hard, and you will reach your goal.

Ever heard the saying patience is a virtue? Well, it is true here too. With time and small changes in your food choices, among other things, the weight will fall off.



Lauren Reeves

Former paralegal and teacher turned writer. I have a lot to say about a lot of things.