10 LinkedIn Profile Upgrades You Need to Make Now


The job market is a whirlwind of change and if you’re still relying solely on your resume to get noticed, you might be getting left behind. LinkedIn isn’t just another social media site — it’s a dynamic platform to highlight your skills, build your network, and become your own biggest advocate. Let’s dive in and transform your LinkedIn profile into a powerful tool that opens up new doors for you.

3 Reasons Why You Should Update Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile serves as your digital storefront within the professional world. Here’s why it deserves just as much attention as your resume:

  • Visibility
    Recruiters and hiring managers actively use LinkedIn to find talent. An up-to-date profile boosts your chances of being discovered.
  • Networking
    LinkedIn is a goldmine for connecting with people in your field, which can lead to exciting opportunities and collaborations.
  • Personal Branding
    Your profile is your chance to showcase your unique skills, experience, and personality. It’s how you set yourself apart.

10 Tips to Supercharge Your LinkedIn Profile

#1 Craft a Compelling Headline

The default is for LinkedIn to use your most recent job title. To stand out, go beyond simply using your current job title. Highlight your area of expertise and unique value.


  • Senior Marketing Analyst | Driving Revenue Growth Through Data-Driven Strategies
  • Agile Project Manager | Transforming Complex Projects into Successful Outcomes

Task for You: Brainstorm 3–5 headline variations that go beyond your job title.

#2 GiveYour Profile Picture a Glow-Up

A professional headshot speaks volumes. No selfies, group shots, or distracting backgrounds. Your image should be well-lit and focused, and convey a professional demeanor.


  • A headshot with a neutral background and a friendly smile.
  • A headshot in your professional attire, demonstrating your industry.

Task for You: If you don’t have a recent professional photo, find a photographer specializing in headshots. You can also use Canva to change your background to a more professional one. Alternatively, have a friend take a photo of you using the above advice and return the favor!

#3 Supercharge Your Summary

Think of this as your elevator pitch. Tell your story, highlight key accomplishments, and infuse your personality. Use relevant keywords, but make sure it reads authentically. Aim for a conversational tone.


  • Passionate about driving innovation in the EdTech space. 5+ years of experience in product development…
  • Results-oriented operations leader with a proven track record of streamlining processes and boosting efficiency…

Task for You: Draft a few versions of your summary, read them out loud, and get feedback from a colleague.

#4 Make Your Experience Count

Showcase your career journey in a compelling narrative. Bullet points are your friend! Quantify achievements with numbers to illustrate your impact.


  • Increased lead generation by 25% through targeted marketing campaigns
  • Managed a budget of $500K, delivering projects on time and under budget

Task for You: Revisit your job descriptions and focus on the results you delivered.

#5 Maximize Recommendations and Endorsements

While not the ultimate power-up, recommendations, and endorsements do add social proof to your profile.

Task for You: Strategically recommend and endorse a few colleagues and ask them to reciprocate in areas where you genuinely excel. You can also provide them with scripts to make it easier for them to construct the endorsement. See example below:

  • I have had the pleasure of working with <insert name> for <no. of years> at <company name>. She’s been consistently <insert significant skills> throughout those years but what I’m most impressed about is her ability to <share her standout strength and how it helped achieve company goals>. I’m very thankful for having her as part of my team. She’s an incredible asset to anyone lucky enough to work with her.

#6 Claim Your Custom URL

Make it easy for people to find you with a personalized LinkedIn URL. It looks more professional and adds a nice touch to your resume and email signature. Remove unnecessary numbers.


Task for You: Go to your profile settings and customize your LinkedIn URL.

#7 Engage and Create

Don’t just be a passive observer on LinkedIn! Actively comment on industry-related posts, share insightful articles, or write your own original content. Consistency is key! If you can only engage on LinkedIn once a week, then just do it once a week. Don’t feel pressured by what everyone else seems to be doing. Do what works for you.


  • Share an article with your commentary on industry trends.
  • Start a discussion by posting a thought-provoking question related to your field.

Task for You: Start by committing to sharing one relevant article with your network per week.

#8 Join (and Participate) in Relevant Groups

Groups on LinkedIn are hubs for discussion and networking in your field. Join groups you’re genuinely interested in, contribute to conversations, and build valuable connections.


  • Groups specific to your industry (e.g., “Digital Marketing Professionals”)
  • Groups focused on your location (e.g., “Bay Area Tech Networking”)

Task for You: Join and actively participate in a group. Don’t just drop links or self-promote, offer value first.

#9 Showcase Your Portfolio

LinkedIn allows you to add rich media, such as presentations, videos, or design pieces to your profile. Don’t be afraid to show off your best work.


  • Link to a slide deck summarizing a successful project.
  • Embed a video testimonial from a satisfied client.

Task for You: Make a list of recent projects or work samples you can feature on your profile.

#10 Optimize for Search

Use industry-relevant keywords throughout your profile (headline, summary, experience) to boost your discoverability by recruiters and potential clients.


  • If you’re a software developer, include keywords like “JavaScript,” “Python,” or “Agile Development.”

Task for You: Research job descriptions in your target area and identify the most common keywords used.

Your LinkedIn profile has huge potential. By taking the time to craft a compelling and strategic presence on the platform, you unlock a whole world of professional opportunities. See it as a continuous project, not a one-time fix. Keep tweaking, updating, and engaging, and you’ll see the results.

Good luck in accelerating your career in 2024!

