How To Deal With Sibling Rivalry In Toddlers

Lauren Brown
2 min readAug 6, 2018


Every parent dreams that their children will be best friends from the moment that they meet but that is not the case all of this can only be achieved after ways of trying to understand and respect each other thoughts and opinions. Just because they are biologically programmed to like each other, it doesn’t mean that they will like each other at first sight. Sibling relationships take years to build as they learn to love each other unconditionally. It can be one relationship that can’t be broken. Sibling rivalry is one that can’t be avoided, in fact, it is one of those factors if handled correctly will ensure a strong relationship between the siblings for years to come. Sibling rivalry starts at the very young age, sibling rivalry in toddlers are more common than adults.

Reasons for sibling rivalry:

If one knows the reasons for any problem, one can easily find the solution for it. This is true for any situation. Most of the conflicts that arise in case of siblings are due to their childhood. Every child has a certain quality of competitiveness so that they can learn to adapt and tackle things. It is proven most of the qualities that an adult has is a direct result of the situations that they were put through as a child. Most parents might not participate very much in the sibling rivalry, as it may be misinterpreted as taking sides. They usually offer general advice and stop if they have any major argument that gets out of hand, but it is essential to keep an eye on the kid’s behaviour, as there is a large possibility that he will treat others, the way he treats his sibling. As a parent, it is essential that you examine the various sibling rivalry causes which lead to this conflict and try out certain exercises that might stop this conflict from happening and, creates a good rapport between them. It is important that they have healthy conflicts so that they might understand each other better and develop as diligent human beings. It is very common that siblings fight as it is a normal part of growing up and essential in a certain relationship as it will aid as a strong foundation for the future relationship. Conflicts are what makes the kids be rational human beings. Here are certain factors that are the root cause of the sibling rivalry. The below points throw some light on what are the causes of sibling rivalry.

Read the full post at: Sibling Rivalry in Toddlers



Lauren Brown

I am Lauren Brown, mom of 2 beautiful and smart kids. Follow my blog to be the best Mom & Dad in your kid's world.