What is Vercel? and How to Use it to Super-Charge your Development Workflow

4 min readJul 12, 2022


Vercel is a cloud platform for static site generators and serverless functions. It enables developers to deploy applications with one click from their GitHub repositories. In this article, we will cover what Vercel is, how to use it, and some of its features.

What is Vercel?

Vercel is a cloud platform for static frontends and serverless functions. It provides a Global CDN, instant SSL, and continuous deployment with zero configuration.

Vercel is the easiest way to deploy your applications. Simply connect your GitHub repository and our platform will automatically deploy your changes whenever you push to GitHub.

You can also use Vercel to deploy your static frontend applications. Simply connect your repository and our platform will build and serve your application with high performance and security.

If you need more power, you can use our Serverless Functions feature to write backend code that scales automatically. Simply upload your code and our platform will run it in a secure, isolated environment with auto-scaling.

So what are you waiting for? Get started with Vercel today!

What is the difference between Vercel and other hosting platforms?

Vercel is a unique hosting platform that offers numerous benefits over other hosting platforms. For starters, Vercel provides instant global deployments with zero downtime. What this means is that you can deploy your applications to Vercel with a single click and they will be available to users around the world instantly. Additionally, Vercel offers automatic SSL certificates and easy scaling; you can simply add more resources as your application grows. Finally, Vercel makes it easy to share your applications with others; you can simply give them a link and they can access your application without having to sign up for an account.

How to use Vercel for your applications

If you’re looking for a way to easily deploy and host your applications, Vercel is a great option. In this article, we’ll cover what Vercel is and how you can use it for your own applications.

Vercel is a platform that lets you deploy and host your applications with ease. All you need to do is connect your GitHub or Bitbucket account, and Vercel will handle the rest. You can also use Vercel with your own custom domain name.

Vercel offers a variety of features to make deploying and hosting your applications easy. For example, you can use Vercel’s atomic deployments to ensure that your changes are deployed safely and correctly. You can also use Vercel’s preview feature to test out your changes before they’re deployed to the live site.

Overall, Vercel is a great option for anyone looking for an easy way to deploy and host their applications. If you’re not sure where to start, check out our documentation to learn more about how to use Vercel for your own applications.

What are some of the benefits of using Vercel?

Vercel is a great platform for hosting web applications and static sites. Some of the benefits of using Vercel include:

- scalability: Vercel can scale your application or site automatically to handle increased traffic
- security: Vercel takes security seriously and provides a number of features to help keep your application or site safe
- convenience: Vercel makes it easy to deploy and manage your application or site with a simple interface

Vercel Pricing

If you’re looking for a way to deploy your applications with ease, then Vercel is the platform for you. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at Vercel’s pricing structure and how it can benefit your business.

Vercel has a simple pricing model that is based on the number of applications you deploy. There are no upfront costs or long-term contracts, so you can start using Vercel without any risk.

Vercel also offers a free tier for individual developers who want to try out the platform. This free tier includes one application with unlimited deployments. If you find that you need more than one application, you can upgrade to a paid plan at any time.

Overall, Vercel is an affordable platform that is easy to use and scale as your business grows. If you’re looking for a hassle-free way to deploy your applications, then Vercel is the right choice for you.


Vercel is a powerful platform that can help you deploy and manage your web applications with ease. With its simple yet effective interface, Vercel makes it easy to get started with deployments, and its wide range of features means that you can scale your applications as needed. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, Vercel is worth considering for your next project.

