Lauren Broz
3 min readSep 1, 2015

The Mistake

One great sunny and 75 degree day Melody receives a call from the college of her dreams. Let’s just say melody is a top of her class kind of student. The very involved, student council president, star athlete and perfect daughter always had many goals that she set and and always achieved. When the July 1st hit the summer she went hard on getting all he college apps done so she can hear the great news she was expeing to hear asap, because she is very impatient and won’t be able to function in school if she doesn’t hear back soon enough. Obviously Melody being that over the top student she had to apply to some of the most prestigious schools because that just made sense to her. Since she was only applying to the some of the top schools in the country like Penn State, Pepperdine, Stanford and Michigan, her application process took forever.Seventeen essays later she finally finished the application process, next was the wait. Like mentioned earlier, she is very impatient so this long wait to find out if she made it into any one of her school of dreams is killing her. Back to that call received from the college of her dreams, on the beautiful day. She didn’t know what college was calling which made her very antsy because it only said university on caller id. Many different things are going through her mind right now like “what if it’s this school but I like the other one way better!” These are obviously just nerves talking because she doesn’t hesitate one second to hear who’s calling, the female voice in the back responds This is Adelle from Pepperdine University. Without letting the lady finish, Melody flips out says thank you at least ten times, but again she didn’t let her finish. Adelle from Pepperdine tries hard not to interrupt the mini party Melody is throwing herself, but says I’m sorry Ms Rock you have been wait listed. Her whole world stops, her confidence drops big time and she just has such an uneasy surprised look on her face. Melody asks if Adelle could repeat what she said, even though Melody obviously heard what she had to say, loud and clear. Melody just can’t take the news so she says thanks and hangs up, runs into her room locks the door and lays on her bed for the rest of the night and then next three days as well. That Friday afternoon she’s in study hall, back at school due to her parents Forcing her, she gets a call from an unknown id. Since she is still really upset from the Pepperdine waitlist call she has her friend Mira pick up the phone. Right away Melody notices the tone and voice the person had in the call and grabs it away from Mira and says “hello.. Adelle?” You can hear her distinct voice from the background begging for an apology because she said she mixed up Melody and some other girls admission information. Melody was so over joyed she didn’t need an apology from Adelle because all she cared about was getting in to her top school!

Now things are great with Melody she is having a very eventful rest of her senior year and just committed last week on her decision for Pepperdine and is pumped to start in the fall!