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Three Reasons Why If You’re A Twenty-something You Should Get Your Act Together.

Lawrence Mdlongwa
3 min readJun 12, 2024


It is no secret that life is a struggle and "to each his own" in that regard. Most of us go through life feeling defeated from the second we wake up to the minutes it takes to fall asleep at night.

Like robots simply following a program; we have our routines, we have our jobs, we have our ecosystems. But is it all worth it? How will what you’re doing now look like or affect you in the next 5 years?

1. It’s an homage to those you love.

Someone recently told me that it is absolutely selfish to not work on yourself. And upon contemplating on this claim heavily, I found this to be true.

If you’re a parent who has a family to take care of and provide for then you’ll understand this too. When you land your first typical entry-level job in your early twenties, you may not have a lot of responsibilities to cater for (with the exception of the overpriced apartment you start living in) so the reasonable mindset is not one centered around personal development or growth (maybe financial growth but never personal growth).

When you choose to grow as an individual you make way for new opportunities, new experiences and most importantly new relationships (this also means that your old ones will be rejuvenated and rekindled).

2. It’s a sign of self-respect.

There’s a correlation between not wanting to be a better individual and low levels of self-respect. Think about it, if you value yourself; your abilities, your character then you will always want to improve or at least keep those values intact.

When you get your act together or at least take the first steps to getting your act together, you make room for some of the most important values you need to have on an individual level like self-love and self-confidence. These are good values to nurture just don’t take it to far because too much of anything is bad (that’s to say don’t be selfish - be good because you need goodness too).

3. It’s a sure way to self-improvement.

Deep down we all want to be better. There’s something innate in all humans that just calls us out to improve, and there’s no better example to clarify that state than the technological marvels we’ve witnessed come to light in the past couple of years (all because of people who got their act together and decided to push humanity forward).

When you embark on a journey of self-improvement, you’re not just doing it for yourself but for future generations as well (your genes will be passed down). We’re all different people with different paths to different destinations, there’s no logic in wanting to be like *this celebrity or *that influencer. You can follow the rules and the principles it takes to get to a certain level of success and improvement but never follow the act.

No matter what anybody says, no body is truly "self-made". Unless you somehow managed to bypass your period of conception then I don’t see how anyone can claim to be solely responsible for their success; it is an arrogant and self-centred mentality that needs to be dismantled.



Lawrence Mdlongwa

Writing to make a difference in self. Writing to make a difference in the world. Come along and let's grow together.