One word for 2020

Lauren Tyler
3 min readJan 11, 2020


“Begin. With the humility of someone who’s not sure, and the excitement of someone who knows that it’s possible.”
- Seth Godin

In 2014, I read the book One Word by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, & Jimmy Page, and have since chosen ONE word to be a focus point, driving force, reminder, and motivation for the year to come.

Six years later, the tradition continues.

Sometimes next year’s word manifests months before I am ready. Sometimes it comes later and I’m still struggling to find my “purpose” for the coming year.

Past ONE WORD’s include:

2019 — Focus
2018 — Balance
2017 — Growth
2016 — Change
2015 — Live
2014 — Bold

Just before Christmas I started to think of what I wanted for 2020 as I looked back on 2019. A friend had a great word suggestion and I thought it was fitting. Until Christmas Eve service.

YELLOW is not a traditional one word but it is already so fitting for how 2020 is rolling out. Especially when it shows up in unexpected ways — like when I picked up Seth Godin’s FOCUS journal for the first time, turned to page 18 and BAM …

Photo from Seth Godin’s “Focus — a ship it journal”

Yellow is more than a color.
Yellow is happiness and sunshine.
Yellow means slow down and use caution.
Yellow stands out.

I move fast. I have a lot of ideas. I want to do them all, at the same time, and I want them to be complete quick so I can move onto the next idea.

I forget to slow down.
I forget to enjoy the little things.
I forget to look around and end up missing amazing views.

Yellow reminds me to live in the present, in the moment, to slow down and look around, to find gratitude and happiness in the little things of life instead of focusing on the end result.

In the first 11 days of the year, the biggest change my new ONE WORD has produced is a revamp of my 40 before 40 bucket list challenge. I could be setting myself up for failure and spend the next 4–5 years trying to make my life reflect this list.

What if, instead, the list came about as I actually accomplished adventures and had experiences?

What if, by the time I turn 40, the list is longer than 40 things and full of little moments, amazing adventures, meeting new people, and things I might have never done if I only focused on that previous list of 40 things?

Seth Godin is right. The excitement of what is possible can be a driving force for anything we want to accomplish. We don’t need a long list. We just need a little focus, to slow down, enjoy the journey, and keep going.

What one word is your driving force for 2020?


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Lauren Tyler

Digital Content Librarian by day. Writer/doer/hustler by night. Boise native. Avid reader. Futurist. Baby whisperer. Adventurer. Goal shredder. Learner. Lover.