Have You Been Arrested? Defense Attorney Rahul Balaram Discusses How to Find a Criminal Defense Attorney

Lauren Daniels
3 min readOct 3, 2019


Any time a citizen is arrested in the United States, the arresting officer is required by law to advise the defendant of certain rights, including the right to an attorney regarding any criminal charges. Many defendants remain unsure of whether they need an attorney, or how to go about finding an attorney to help them with their case. In this article, criminal defense attorney Rahul Balaram discusses when an attorney is needed, what to look for in an attorney, and what questions to ask an attorney about representation.

Do You Need an Attorney?

No matter how minor it may be, if you are facing a criminal charge, you should get some legal advice from a competent attorney. You may decide you do not need an attorney in court, but that decision should come after you have talked with an attorney. An attorney can help you understand how to handle minor and straightforward matters on your own, and to know when you need to have an attorney with you to represent your interests.

How to Find an Attorney

Locating a competent defense attorney can be an intimidating process. Referrals from trusted friends and family members who have had previous experience with a particular attorney are usually very effective. You can also research online for attorneys who are experienced with cases like yours. Some local bar associations provide referral information to clients. The most crucial factor for making a decision about hiring an attorney is your personal interview with the attorney about your case.

Think Locally

There is an excellent value in hiring an attorney who has experience in the courthouse where a defendant’s case is being handled. A lawyer may know everything there is to know about applicable state or federal law, but additional local knowledge of how prosecutors, judges, and court personnel handle matters often provides a substantial advantage for defense attorneys.

Questions to Ask a Prospective Attorney

You should ask an attorney about their experience with cases and charges like yours. Experienced and competent attorneys should be able to provide details about the number of cases they have handled similar to yours and the sorts of outcomes they have achieved.

Ask for a detailed analysis of expected outcomes. You should understand that a complete analysis of your case can only come after investigation and assessment, but you should be provided with some general framework of how cases like yours are generally resolved.

Ask a prospective attorney direct questions about how they feel about representing you. The relationship between attorney and client is always very personal and requires complete trust and open communication. You should feel completely confident in an attorney’s willingness to represent you to the best of their ability.

About Rahul Balaram

Rahul Balaram is the founder and principal attorney of the Balaram Law Office in Santa Rosa. He started his firm in order to represent citizens accused of crimes following successfully representing hundreds of clients a Deputy Public Defender in the State of California. Following his law school education at the University of San Francisco and his successful bar exam in 2015, he has worked tirelessly to develop trial skills and his positive attitude towards advising and educating his clients about their cases and the court system. Rahul Balaram is always available for consultations with his clients about their cases and always works tirelessly toward successful results in every case.

