WNY Holdings LLC Details 10 Effective SEO Tips for Niche Websites

Lauren Daniels
4 min readOct 8, 2019


Many small businesses market to niche audiences and their websites by necessity focus on narrow subjects with specialized content. Web designers often struggle with search engine optimization for niche websites. Many times webmasters resort to paid advertising services as a result, with corresponding lower returns on advertising expenditures. In this article, WNY Holdings LLC discusses ten simple and effective ways niche websites can enhance SEO and obtain higher search rankings.

1. Use Site Content that Leads to Longer User Engagement

Google’s algorithms place value on the dwell time that pages generate. Dwell time measures the time that users spend on pages they click through. The longer users stay on your pages, the higher your pages will rank. The key here is to use high-quality content with captivating headlines and avoid filler content.

2. Quality Above Quantity on Backlinks

Backlinks are a direct source of better search rankings, but sacrificing quality for quantity is counter-productive. Always consider the relevance and authority of a linking URL, especially concerning relevance to your niche market. Non-relevant backlinks will not help your search ranking, and Google’s algorithms are likely to penalize your pages as well.

3. Continuously Update and Refresh Your Blog Content

Blog posts that do not rank for high traffic keywords do not get much traffic within a couple of weeks of being published. Niche posts that have quality content in lower volume keyword realms can benefit from republishing and updating from time to time. Of course, the key to getting noticed as a niche business is the consistent publication of new and engaging blog content using the best keywords available.

4. Use Target Topics Instead of Keywords in Your Niche

SEO writing used to revolve around finding a keyword and then kicking it all over every piece of content. However, for niche industries, the natural use of language describing niche topics and general concepts can go much further than hunting for keywords in lesser developed niche markets. Using groups of related keywords in a natural manner can get your content ranking higher in a topic area rather than just for one keyword.

5. Use Multimedia and Graphic Content to Keep Readers On Your Page Longer

As discussed above, dwell time is a great way to build page ranking in niche markets. Multimedia also tends to drive additional clicks to other pages and content on your site, further boosting rankings. Multimedia also naturally builds the overall quality of your content and leads to more sharing of your content among the target members of your niche market.

6. Find Up and Coming Niche Keywords Using Google Trends

Normal keyword searching is very effective, but it involves researching past trends for existing keywords. Niche markets should take advantage of anticipated market changes more than looking at the historical record of keywords other industries have used. Google Trends helps bridge the gap by showing current trending keywords without past usage history.

7. Look at What Your Niche Competitors Are Doing

You should always incorporate current research of your niche market into your SEO strategy. If competitors are discovering new keywords that are ranking, you may be able to adapt and improve on what they are doing. Google Alerts is a great way to keep track of your competitors’ mentions in various places around the web.

8. Don’t Make Google Your Only SEO Focus

Naturally, your niche business has to rely on Google to drive traffic. However, Google is not the only source of traffic, and that trend will likely grow over time. Also, a single change in Google’s algorithms can set your SEO strategy back to square one. Diversify your SEO strategy to include social media marketing, email marketing, and direct traffic.

9. Use a Reliable and Whitelisted Web Hosting Service

Even if you have an ideal SEO strategy, working with a hosting service on a blacklisted or spam server will ruin your company’s chances at ranking. Google knows every hosting service, and your content must be searched on a hosting service that is well-known and trusted.

10. Make Your Website Design Mobile Friendly

Google’s algorithm updates have placed greater emphasis on mobile device performance, and that trend is almost certain to continue. A mobile-friendly design also helps your users’ experience on their phones and tablets, which leads to more extended page views and deeper clicks.

About WNY Holdings

WNY Holdings is a customer-focused digital marketing agency that strives to provide topical and high-quality services to small businesses engaged in retail and service industries of all types. WNY Holdings assist with content marketing, web and graphic design, media creation, SEO, social media advertising, and all other digital marketing needs for its clients. Founded in 2018, the agency uses the latest analytical programs and techniques to ensure that every client’s marketing strategy takes advantage of the latest trends and technology.

