What If God Is ALL Religions?

Lauren Crisette Humphreys
3 min readOct 18, 2021


If God is all being, all knowing, all powerful, then it doesn’t make sense that God would put all his (and her) knowledge into one book or one religious group. The energy and essence of God is limitless.

Over the years, I've spent time reading religious scripture. The Bible, the Torah, the Koran to the Bhagavata. After trying to piece it all together, my interpretation, was that God is beyond definition. God is a feeling, God is Love.

To attach a specific belief is to become separate from source love. Any label, attachment or fixed belief is related related to self identity which feels detached from unity consciousness. God has no labels, God just IS.

A lot of religions reference God or Jesus to be a judge. But judging people isn’t an action from the heart. God knows intentions. Intentions are the core to a persons inner being. Karma and destiny are dealt by the intention behind the thought, action or word. Jesus isn’t returning to judge people, the return of any messenger or Messiah is to bring peace and understanding to the world.

Religion was born from Ancient Egyptian sun worship. Old civilization were spiritual beings that understood the flow of nature and observed how history was written in the stars. Over time, rulers saw that spiritualty gave people too much power, so invented religion to generate structure and order.

Of course there are benefits in religion, it gives a sense of faith, dedication and gateway into understanding. Religion creates structure and order in society. It can also be viewed as art, open to interpretation. Although generally, the concept is dogmatic. It’s limited to a certain level of comprehension. Having a spiritual belief system allows the the mind to question limitlessly. Spirituality encompasses the all and allows total freedom of MIND. The depths of who or what God really is will never be found in scripture. True understanding comes from experience of the heart and knowledge of the self.

The journey of finding God is deeply awakening. There isn’t a right or wrong way. Yes fasting, praying, not eating meat and meditation are all excellent rituals to help on the path of uniting with the almightily. But what brings you in alignment with God, is truth. Your personal truth. Living and being the most authentic version of yourself. Coming into connection and vibing with unconditional love takes some soul searching.

If you look deep enough inside your own heart, you will find God.

The more you seek your true nature, the essence of God will be reveled. The truth is out there if you dig deep enough.

God encompasses all that ever has and all that ever will be. For humans to comprehend this, is to be LOVE.



Lauren Crisette Humphreys

Life coach and Spiritual guide https://laurenhumphreyshealing.com I write simple, short essays from the heart. Go to the website for further content and blogs!