Carnegie Mellon Campus Tour App

Lauren Kenny
2 min readSep 15, 2018


Brainstorming scenarios:

The first scenario of someone using this app would be the situation in which they download it. Say a prospective student comes onto campus on a weekend with their parents. They walk to the admissions office and see that there are no tours. There is a flyer in the office that prompts them to download the app to get a better understanding of the campus and a personalized experience. The student follows by getting out their phone and downloading the app. At this point they have the opportunity to check boxes in the categories of what subjects they’re interested in, what activities they’re interested in, and what buildings they would like to see.

The second scenario of someone using this app would be along the “tour.” The app would navigate the student to a specific building or area on campus based off of one of their preferences filled out at the beginning. Upon arriving, the app would ding and a window would pop up with a personalized student experience related to that subject matter. The student would then choose their next location from a list of suggestions.

Process work:

Pictured above is my process work and sketches from the planning stage of this project.
These are some early stage wireframes.

