My Niece

Lauren Kilpatrick
1 min readMar 23, 2020


Originally posted on Dec 17, 2017 1:09pm

I saw my niece 5 times this week. Last night she slept over. She didn’t get home until late, and we went to sleep about an hour after she arrived.

She’s 11, and I’m 23. The more time I spend with her, the more I think that she is my best friend. She slept with me in my bed last night, and you could have sworn we were two teenage girls. She tied me up with a string of garland and tried to force me to go downstairs with her. I stole her pillow from under her head when she got up to get a drink of water. She laid back down slowly, and when she realized what I did, we both just started laughing nonstop. She couldn’t drink her water without spitting it out for about a minute.

We finally went to sleep. What a great feeling it is to have a “kid” who loves you. It’s like a safe haven from the rest of the world. I don’t need to go out with friends or be seen by anyone else. I’m just happy to spend time with her.



Lauren Kilpatrick

Lauren is 25 years old. She believes that the most beautiful things in this world are small. She therefore dedicates this blog to the bits and pieces of life.