You don’t need a relationship you need a journal

How journaling can make you a better person

Lauren Ostrowski Fenton


Photo by Daniel Christie on Unsplash

I pretended to be busy sorting out the kid’s clothes. I folded them in piles and moved the piles like chess pieces around the couch. I then marched to the kitchen, put on gloves washed a couple of dishes, then went back to my folding and sorting. I kept checking my text messages wanting to hear that familiar text-notification bell.

I was waiting for his text.

Ugh. How did I get to this place of desperation? This isnt me. Is it? I’m so much better than this. I don’t need a relationship to define me. Do I?

I love my children more than words can say but being a single mum is hard. It’s like getting stuck in the barrel of a wave. And then clawing your way up gasping for air only to snatch a breath before being dragged down again. After my marriage ended, I fantasized about having a supportive relationship to help me through the tough times. I dreamed of having a friend who would be a daily sounding board, someone to chat with, an adviser, and a confidante.

I looked at my phone. There were no new texts.

I plopped into my chair and sighed. I needed a distraction from the responsibilities of being a single mother of four, and I needed an ear. But do relationships do…



Lauren Ostrowski Fenton

Professional YouTuber, writer, Counselor meditation teacher. MASTERS in Counselling, Honors ARTS in Anthropology,