Saving and Protecting Your Digital Currencies

2 min readDec 13, 2017


Bitcoins have become the word of mouth in the financial world lately. Although the use of this virtual currency has started sometime in 2009, it’s just now that more and more people have invested in using it. Although there are people who have already made a fortune out of this cryptocurrency, there are still those who fail to appreciate the value of these coins.

What are Bitcoins?

It was in 2009 that bitcoins came out as the first decentralized digital currency there are. In essence, bitcoins are virtual coins that can be sent using the internet. You can purchase just about anything using your bitcoins as more businesses are accepting this currency as payment for goods and services.

Bitcoins are available for purchase using dollars and other currencies. These coins are stored using wallets, which can either be virtual or by using a hardware device. If you choose to use a cloud-based service for storage, your smart device will be your means of accessing your funds online. Sending bitcoins is as easy as sending out a regular email.

Protecting and Saving Your Coins

As previously said, saving your bitcoins can either be done using a cloud-based system or through a hardware wallet. Of the two, the use of hardware device is considered the safest. These devices are as small as a USB device and are always offline thus very safe in protecting your keys. Know more about bitcoins at

Owners of bitcoins at are always in danger of hackers and cloud-based systems that have been compromised. If these hackers gain access to your assets, they won’t hesitate to empty your wallet. However, with hardware devices, you don’t have to worry about this as security is much tighter with these devices. This is simply because the device is offline thus it cannot be compromised that easily. Any information stored on the device cannot be outright stolen using remote means.

Security breaches are the most common concerns of owners of digital assets. With hardware wallets, no information can be compromised right away unless the device is deliberately stolen from the owner.

Accessing these hardware wallets is just like using a USB. Owners simply connect the device to any computer so they can retrieve information like private keys while they are online. Manufacturers of these wallets also tie up with some of the world’s brightest names in technology, thus you are guaranteed to invest in high-end technology.

Instead of simply relying on cloud-based systems to store your bitcoins, allocate some funds and get yourself a hardware wallet. These devices can provide you the peace of mind that nobody will be able to get hold of your assets while you are not looking. Read more about Bitcoin Safes here!

