Ocean Academy Gets an Upgrade

Laurent Rochat
3 min readFeb 13, 2022


The Metaverse — February 13, 2022

Since its inception in October 2020 with Ocean 101, Ocean Academy has onboarded over 9'200 people into the Ocean Protocol ecosystem. Various communication channels have boosted visibility of Ocean Protocol, with impressions well over the Million mark.

New modules on Data DeFi and privacy-preserving Compute-to-Data technology have been added to quench the thirst of learning of the more advanced Web3 users, AI professionals and Ocean community members.

Over time, we came to realize that we needed to keep improving the experience of our users, and add new functionalities that better connect with the decentralized metaverse.

The Ocean community overwhelmingly voted to fund our grant proposal to push improvements to Ocean Academy back in July 2021.

We are delighted to report back on this grant, and deliver on our promise to share a totally revamped Ocean Academy. We implemented numerous improvements across all aspects of Ocean Academy.. here are a few that we are proud to feature.

  1. Optimized Landing Page

The landing page of Ocean Academy was entirely redesigned, to focus on giving a crisp reason for being, enticing sign-up, and linking with the credentialing objective of Ocean 101 for the Ocean Ambassador program. A neat course section was introduced to give the tour of what is available. Testimonials provide social proof for the undecided.

2. New Course Pages

Each course now has its own page, which describes the specific content and learning objectives of the course, and tracks progress.

3. NFTs, what else

Each course certificate can now be minted as a NFT on the Ethereum mainnet. It does cost some gas, but this is the price of immortality.

Among others, these NFTs could be used as part of a the Ocean Academy DAO in the future. The plans have not be outlined yet, but the possibilities are endless.

4. Content regeneration

Even if we would have never admitted so publicly, we were aware, and got reminded at several occasions, that the content of Ocean 101 was sometimes dense and difficult to follow.

We have now restructured the flow entirely, to make the onboarding of AI and data scientists smoother. And start with the big picture rather than with yet another explanation of how blocks are chained in a blockchain.

We have fixed many inconsistencies in the content, particularly in relation with Compute-to-Data, to make Ocean Academy 100% accurate.

We have trimmed down content, removed most acronyms and Web3 idioms, cut big bags of words and reorganized them into simpler sentences. The result is a lighter, more digestible reading.

5. A legal structure

Legal stuff is not often a priority, but it is important to get this right in our particular sector. We now have an official structure in Singapore to back-up our DAO.

6. More good stuff that you won’t get to see

The back-end was migrated to Vercel so that we can focus on the app itself rather than server maintenance on Digital Ocean. The back-end database was upgraded to enable future feature deployments, like new certificates, NFTs, or even to roll out referral programs.

Thank you.

We want to thank the Ocean Community for their patience and for their continuous support. We feel blessed to contribute to creating a new data economy that is open and fair, and look forward to onboard the next 10'000 new users to the Ocean Ecosystem 🚀

Check out Ocean Academy today!

