Street souvenirs, 57th street and central park, september, 2001 / Author’s photo

9/11 Photograph selected

Cityscape listicle moments in time

laurie kalmanson
2 min readSep 2, 2013


5. A bag of candied ginger from the fancy candy store in the WTC’s shadow, across the street from my father’s law firm, was a treat after a summer workday of helping at the office — which wasn't helping at all, but a parent opening a door: had my father lived to know his granddaughter, I would thank him now for showing me how to do that then for her in the future.

4. Eating sushi fast food for lunch at a place in the WTC underground food court during a City Hall summer internship, walking the few short blocks in the dazzling heat to the cool concourse.

3. Riding down the West Side Highway to the Flatiron early in the morning for work, and rounding the bend where the WTC rises, to see what color it would be today, glittering or grey, depending on the sky.

2. Standing on 23rd and Fifth, where the WTC was the compass point for South, fire edging the hole in the North Tower’s face, fire exploding from the east, and then only smoke.

  1. National September 11 Memorial & Museum

Dear Ms. Laurie Kalmanson,

Your image [shown above] has been selected for the exhibition opening Spring 2014. We are honored that we are able to use this beautiful photograph and thank you for your willingness to participate in the museum via HINY. I would like to confirm that date that this photograph was taken. It is important to us that are labels are accurate and so any information such as date, month and/or year would be appreciated.

Dear []

Thank ***you***

In the days after 911, I volunteered on relief boats anchored near Battery Park City, serving meals to the iron workers, police and firefighters who had come to do rescue work but were doing recovery. There were K-9 teams, too.

I took the photo in those days, at Central Park and 57th Street, with a film camera.

When I walked through SoHo in the weeks after, and saw the “Here is New York” exhibit, I submitted it.

Being listed in the book was an honor.

Here Is New York: Remembering 9/11 This exhibition of photographs and artifacts recreated the SoHo storefront’s community commemoration.

More like this? Here.



laurie kalmanson

experience architecture = ux + ixd + ia + content strategy #becauseawesome