Laurie Molloy
2 min readMay 15, 2020


Day 9: 30 Days 30 Ways — Stay in the present while remembering there is a future

Being present in each moment is important. Seeing the best in yourself, your situation, and in others helps us get through the day and through our lives in a positive way.

The focus on staying in the moment can have a downside. If your present moment or situation is terrible, then it is essential to remember that six months from now everything will be different. My childhood therapist taught be that, and it is advice that always remains with me because it is a reminder that all things pass, both good and bad. So when things are good, we definitely need to savor our moments. When they are not so good, we need to look forward and picture ourselves in a better future.

To remind ourselves of the future we seek, it is recommended that we look at our vision journals or boards frequently. As we keep these in our minds, we are able to manifest our vision through consistent thoughts and action. The action part is important. If we keep thinking of our futures but take no action steps, our progress will be stunted.

All in all, we must embrace the good times, know that our future is bright, and align our positive thoughts with positive actions. Our amazing futures will lead to more days of wonderful fulfilling moments that keep us grounded in the present.



Laurie Molloy

Laurie Molloy is the mom of two amazing boys, an English Teacher, and a published author. A few of her hobbies are writing, swimming, and nature.