I’M HAPPILY EMPLOYED. I THINK I’LL LOOK FOR A JOB.Part of what I do to grow my business is network.Jul 20, 2018Jul 20, 2018
MOMS, CAREERS AND MAKING TROUBLEI gave my mom a Notorious RBG coffee mug for Mother’s Day this year.Jun 8, 2018Jun 8, 2018
CHANGING OFFICE CULTURE — THE NEW SWEAR JARA friend told me a story about a recent golf outing. Her foursome included herself, a more senior female colleague, a female pro golfer and…May 18, 2018May 18, 2018
SAY SO WHAT TO SELF DOUBTI was part of an event last week for women tech founders.May 7, 2018May 7, 2018
ELIMINATE WHAT LIMITS YOU: MOVE OUT OF SCAR CITYI asked a question on a recent Facebook Live with Martha Beck- coach, author, artist, writer and tribe-leader extraordinaire.May 3, 2018May 3, 2018
LYNNE TWIST, CREDIT CARD DEBT AND CAREER FULFILLMENTI received a check from a client for $21,000 this past week.Apr 30, 2018Apr 30, 2018
THE NUMBER 1 JOB INTERVIEW SUCCESS TIP PEOPLE FORGETI was in the midst of prepping a candidate for an interview.Apr 19, 2018Apr 19, 2018
I’M HAVING A LOVE AFFAIR… WITH MY KINDLEA Kindle, for those who do not know, is Amazon’s e-reader.Apr 5, 2018Apr 5, 2018
HOW TO CREATE CAREER FULFILLMENT: THE 10 PERCENT MISSION — PART IILast week, I talked about being on a mission to close the wage gap between men and women through simple tweaks like paying your female…Mar 15, 2018Mar 15, 2018