Learning DevOps [Day 2]

Lavanya R
5 min readApr 12, 2023


This is #100DaysofDevOps Learning journey under the guidance of Siva and Raghu K.

Day 2 Learning

Web Based Application

Web-based applications are a particular type of software that allows users to interact with a remote server through a web browser interface. It is the major business happening in the market as they replace desktop-based applications. There are two ways of Communication like

B2B → Business to Business
B2C →Business to Client/Customers (End User)

Anyone accessing Live environment (Server), needs to be stable and should be 100% uptime.

What is Server?

Servers are high-powered computers built to store, process, and manage network data, devices, and systems. For businesses, servers offer critical stability, efficiency, and business continuity capabilities.

There are different varieties of servers. These servers are placed in the designated room. In previous days, servers are placed in racks in a secured place called Datacenters. More servers are evolving and also, and they consume uneven places in a high manner and that is the challenge.

To avoid this particular challenge, vendors came up with an agreement that to build a rack and every server has to fit in the rack. There are various servers like rack server, blade server, Tower Server, etc. Let's discuss more about them.

What is rack server?

A rack server is a general-purpose, mountable, and rectangular machine that stacks neatly into metal rack frames, thus optimizing space usage.

Rack server image by https://images.easytechjunkie.com/racks-of-servers.jpg

What is blade server?

A blade server houses multiple modular circuit boards called blades that don’t need CPUs, network controllers, and memory while also fitting in a rack frame.

Blade server Image by https://www.trentonsystems.com/hs-fs/hubfs/2U%20Blade%20Server.jpg?width=1200&name=2U%20Blade%20Server.jpg

What is Tower Server?

A tower server is a lightweight, stand-alone chassis often used by small businesses for its strong configuration and customization features.

Tower Server Image by https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.ZcKFi4_3DWVDBzgMXVgxzgHaHa?w=180&h=180&c=7&r=0&o=5&dpr=1.5&pid=1.7

Applications run on certain servers. Those servers are big but the problem is applications are smaller. Then Waterfall methodology moved to Agile methodology because for organization, making a monolith is taking time and they chose to go to Microservices.

Waterfall → Agile
Monolith →Microservices

What is Microservice?

Image by https://www.synectiks.com/static/Monolith%20to%20Microservices-3cb92f3af9c7f693869a64851539bd5e.jpg

It is a way of building software applications as a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled services.

Microservices became more popular with the rise of DevOps, a culture and practice that emphasizes collaboration and automation between software development and operations teams.

Hence on the hardware side, the physical machine changed to a Virtual machine.

What is Virtual Machine?

  • Virtual machines are nothing but on one Physical machine, you are going to chunk many pieces of virtual machines.
  • VMs are the one that acts like a real computer, running different programs and operating system in a separate window.
  • You can call it in different words like Host, Server, Machine, VM. VMs can be hosted on physical machines such as servers, and share their resources, such as memory and CPU.
  • Virtual machines can be used for various purposes, such as testing, development, security, and cloud computing.
  • Virtual machines can run on different software platforms, such as VMware, Hyper-V, VirtualBox, and Parallels, which provide tools and features to manage them.
Image by https://www.veeam.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2015-Q4-Physical-Servers-vs-VMs.png

Operating System

Initially, Operating system started with Mainframe. Mainframe is a big piece and to start working on the small machine, there is another invention came into the picture and that is Unix. Unix has also gone because of its expensiveness.

Everything is shifted to Linux. Even “Windows Loves Linux”.


  • Unix is a commercial product, offered by a variety of vendors each with its own variant, usually dedicated to its own hardware. It’s expensive and closed source.
  • In previous days, software and hardware developed by same vendor. For e.g., Mac OS (Only Unix Machine).
  • Best Operating system.
  • Higher Performance.
  • Sun OS → Costly with efficient performance →No issues.
  • So Stable.


  • University students/ Universities are unable to use or buy or practice Unix because of its expensive.
  • That’s why American software developer Richard Stallman started a movement called GNU (GNU’s Not Unix) Project to write a Unix-like computer operating system that contains no Unix Code.
  • GNU develops some software known as Software Utils that run in OS.
  • Another software that drives Hardware — Not succeeded.

Evolution of Linux

  • Another University student Linus Torvalds set up a project called Linux/ Kernel.
  • But he doesn’t have the software util which GNU community has. So, he joined the GNU community and made it successful.
  • Now Linux is open source and completely free of cost and anyone can use it.
  • Linux is the software that breaks Hardware and Software. There are different Linux distributions, and some are Debian, RedHat and CentOS.
Image by author

Where to run CentOS ?


Let’s follow,

  • Kind of Apps — Web Apps
  • Server & server OS — Linux
  • Vendor — RedHat
    →RedHat is not free, but open source, Code can be modified & can be redistributed.
  • Redistributes by — CentOS.
  • Version — 8
  • Run Linux — Using platform like KillerCoda

Check out my other DevOps Blog here:

  1. Learning DevOps [Day 1]

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Lavanya R

Google WDA'23 graduated | Technical Blogger | Cloud and DevOps Aspirant | Google Women TechMaker's Member | GCP Data Engineer Professional | Tech Enthusiast |