How to purchase $SCRT using Osmosis Zone and Coinbase Pro

Lavender.Five Nodes
4 min readDec 3, 2021


$SCRT is the native token of the Secret Network. Secret Network is the first blockchain with data privacy by default, allowing you to build and use applications that are both permissionless and privacy-preserving. This unique functionality protects users, secures applications, and unlocks hundreds of new use cases for Web 3.

Because of this privacy-by-default ethos, $SCRT proves difficult to purchase within the United States, similarly to Monero. However, with Secret Network now being IBC enabled, $SCRT can easily be purchased through Osmosis, the best decentralized exchange (DEX) in the cosmos ecosystem.

NOTE: if you prefer video guides, please see Secret Code Podcast’s excellent guide:

A few assumptions are going to be made here before we start.

  1. You already have a Coinbase Pro account, or any exchange that has $ATOM
  2. You already have funds on Coinbase Pro with which you can purchase $ATOM
  3. You are using one of the following browsers: Brave, Chrome, or Edge. We recommend Brave.
  4. You have Keplr browser extension installed. You can install it by following this guide.

With that out of the way, let’s get started.

Purchase ATOM on Coinbase Pro

We’re first going to need to purchase $ATOM, as it is one of the primary assets traded on This guide is going to use Coinbase Pro to purchase the $ATOM, but these steps apply to any exchange that has $ATOM.

  1. Purchase ATOM from Coinbase.
  2. Navigate to your portfolio.
  3. Select Withdraw in the top right corner.
In the Coinbase Pro Portfolio, select “Withdraw”
  1. Select ATOM -> Crypto Address. You should now be in a window that says WITHDRAW ATOM.
  2. Copy the cosmos... address you saved earlier.
  3. Paste the copied cosmos... address where it says Enter ATOM Address.
  4. Make sure to select the checkbox where it says This transaction does not require an ATOM Memo. A memo is only necessary when sending to an exchange.
  5. Enter the amount of ATOM you wish to withdraw.
  6. Select Withdraw. This may require going through several multi-factor authentication steps. It should look like the image below.
Verify all your information here is correct before sending.

Once this is complete, you should be able to see your funds in your Keplr Extension! Now we need to transfer them to Osmosis.

Trade $ATOM for $SCRT on Osmosis

Osmosis is the best way to purchase many Cosmos-based assets, including $SCRT, $OSMO, and $JUNO. We’re going to use it to trade $ATOM for $SCRT.

  1. Navigate to the Osmosis Assets website.
Connect wallet to Osmosis Network
  1. In the bottom left corner there’s a Connect wallet button. Select it and a popup will emerge from Keplr - hit Approve.
  2. You should now be in the Assets page. Find Cosmos Hub - ATOM and select where it says Deposit. This will send your $ATOM from the $ATOM wallet to your Osmosis Network wallet. Don't worry, you'll still have full control over your funds and will be able to see them in your Keplr extension by selecting Cosmos -> Osmosis.
Deposit $ATOM to Osmosis Network
  1. In the Deposit IBC Asset popup, enter the amount of $ATOM you wish to deposit and select Deposit. This will cause another Keplr wallet popup to occur. Select Approve.
  2. Your asset is now being sent from the Cosmos Network to the Osmosis Network. It may take several minutes to arrive. Refresh the page and you should see your deposited $ATOM under the Balance category.
  3. Navigate to the trade page. Here you will be trading your $ATOM for $SCRT.
Swap $ATOM for $SCRT
  1. Enter the amount of $ATOM you wish to trade for $SCRT and hit Swap. This will cause another Keplr popup. Select Approve.

You now have $SCRT, but it’s on the wrong network! Let’s go ahead and send it to the Secret Network.

Send $SCRT from Osmosis Network to Secret Network

Osmosis is great, but what if you want the privacy features enabled by the Secret Network, or to stake your $SCRT? You’ll need to transfer them over just like you did with $ATOM.

  1. Return to the Assets page of Osmosis.
  2. Find Secret Network - SCRT and select Withdraw.
Withdraw $SCRT from Osmosis Zone
  1. In the Withdraw IBC Asset popup, enter in the amount of $SCRT you wish to withdraw and select Withdraw.
  2. The Keplr extension will pop up. Select Approve.
  3. Congratulations! You now have your $SCRT on the Secret Network! You can see your $SCRT by going into your extension, select Cosmos -> Secret Network.


From here, you can stake your SCRT for 30%+ APR (consider staking with us, Lavender.Five Nodes!) or make privacy-preserving trades using SecretSwap.

Keplr Wallet Extension
Keplr Help Desk
Osmosis Zone
Secret Network
Coinbase Pro



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