The Smart Card is Here, and it’s Sexy!

Lavi Schechter
3 min readMay 20, 2020


TheOneDash Smart Business Card is the business card you do not give away. It’s a statement piece and uses tap to share technology to transfer your contact and social information.

It seems trivial and borderline silly that after the incredible innovations and disruptions of the 21st century (iPhone, electric car, voice recognition), the majority of business professionals still rely on the single most outdated method of communication when it comes to introducing themselves:

The paper business card! (cue suspenseful cinematic music)

Feels a little silly even saying it out out, a bit like saying “let’s hop in a taxi” or “nice beeper.” And yet, printed cards are everywhere. You may even have a box of them sitting around in a drawer somewhere. I’d be willing to bet that of the 500 cards you ordered, 482 are still in the box, yeah?

Perhaps there hasn’t been a disruption because the idea of disrupting an industry appeals more to industries worth disrupting? (say that 3 times fast).

Whatever the reason, the business card in your pocket in 2020 is exactly the same as the business card that was in people’s pockets in 1984 a-la the American Psycho days of Patrick Bateman and Paul Allen:

Christian Bale in the famous “business card” scene of American Psycho

In comes TheOneDash smart business card, and it’s about damn time. Let’s compare the features in the classic “top 5 reasons you need to get a smart card” format:

  1. You don’t give this card out: Instead, you tap it gently on the top of the phone of the person you wish to give your contact info to. It transfers your name, email, phone number, website, a personal introduction and social sites like Instagram, Facebook and more… Instantly!
  2. It’s f$@ing gorgeous: The carbon fiber metal has that nice weight to it. It feels like you’re carrying the black American Express card in your wallet, and when you take it out, people notice.
  3. It’s way more efficient: Imagine for a moment (this is rare) that you are in a large networking event with 200+ people. Do you really want to be the guy walking around with 200+ paper cards, fumbling around to get one as you introduce yourself?
  4. It’s less expensive, by a long shot: At $49, the smart card is fully editable and has a virtual unlimited amount of uses. Most high-end paper business cards range at $26 for a pack of 100. Do the math.
  5. It makes you unique and memorable: This is, after all, what the original business card was designed to do. This one actually achieves it. It’s the only card that carries a pre-packaged “wow” with every tap.

You can pick up one of these babies at for $49. At the rate of technology and innovation in the business card industry, it’s likely to be the last card you purchase until 2054. Get one, thank us later.

It’s more than a business card. It’s a smart business card. You keep this card and it carries more than just your contact information. It carries weight.



Lavi Schechter

I believe in better way to sell things and treat people