My Wife and My Old Friend Pt. 02

10 min readJan 16, 2021


As we walked inside, I started to think about what I had just seen. Maybe not that crazy, but my wife Kaitlyn had just been touched by another man, an old friend of mine, right in front of me. Together we gave her an orgasm. And, I wasn’t sure she knew this, but it turned out there was also another guy watching us. I couldn’t tell for sure if she had touched Austin or not either. I decided I should get her alone for a minute, to check-in, before anything else transpires.

As we’re all about to get into the elevator, I asked Austin if he would go grab some drinks for us and then meet us upstairs. Of course, he agreed, and I asked him to take his time. He seemed to understand what I was saying. So he went off to find the drinks, and she and I got in the elevator. I faced my beautiful wife, put my arms around her, and asked her how she was. She smiled and said she was very good. I asked her how drunk she was, and she claimed to be tipsy, but in full control. This seemed to be true to me, she wasn’t stumbling or slurring or doing anything else that would suggest otherwise. But I wanted to check on a couple more things. I asked if she had noticed there was someone watching us in the hot tub. She sort of made a face and told me she thought she saw someone but wasn’t sure. She muttered something about a pervert. Even though it may have been hot for her to say something about how sexy that was, her real answer gave me more comfort. I knew it was the truth, and that she was in good control of her faculties. One more thing I wanted to know, I told her I couldn’t see her one hand and wondered if she was touching Austin with it and if she was, where? She somewhat sheepishly said she was touching him. Then she looked me right in the eyes and told me she was touching everywhere. She then grabbed my cock through my shorts and asked if that was okay with me. I said nothing, I just smiled.

Her answers made me feel a lot better, but I was still hiding one thing from her. I had acted, so far, like this was completely spontaneous, and it wasn’t. I had set up for Austin to be there. At some point, I was going to have to come clean about this, and I wasn’t sure if she would be upset or not.

As we got off the elevator and arrived at our room, I asked her one more time to confirm that she wanted Austin to join us in the room. She coyly smiled and nodded slowly. Austin texted me a few minutes later, making sure we still wanted him to come to the room. I was glad he understood the dynamic of the situation and told him to get here as soon as he could.

My wife was now naked, sitting on the sofa, sipping on a bottle of water and lazily flipping through some magazine or brochure. I told her our friend would be here soon. She wondered out loud if she should get dressed again, I told her my preference was that she remained naked. She agreed but told me I would need to be naked as well. I told her that was fine, but I wasn’t going to greet Austin at the door naked, so I’d strip after that. She insisted I strip now and told me she’d greet him at the door. With that, she walked over to me, pulled my shorts off, and gave my semi-erect cock a squeeze. She continued to touch me as she gave me a big sloppy kiss. This was unusual for her, she wasn’t much of a kisser most of the time. Of course, this meant I was fully aroused now. She dropped to her knees and put the tip of my penis in her mouth. God that felt good. She started to get into it when there was a knock at our door. She stood up, pointed to a chair in the corner, and told me to sit there.

I sat and my hand immediately went to my cock. I watched my sexy wife walk over to the door. I’ve always loved watching her do anything — and especially when she is naked. She pulled Austin through the door, and he seemed quite pleased that she was naked in front of them. He commented about looking her over and she did a little spin in front of him. I was so turned on at this point that I had to be careful, I didn’t want to come yet, and I quite easily could have. My wife asked him to sit on the bed and patted the spot for him to sit. She disappeared into the bathroom.

She must have had to pee or something, I kind of thought she would be right back but she was gone for a couple of minutes. Maybe she was giving us a chance to chat. We just sat there drinking our beers. With me naked, it did seem a little odd, though not perhaps as odd as it really should have. She emerged out of the bathroom, holding a bottle of oil. She announced she’d like to give Austin a massage if everyone in the room was okay with it. I was more than okay with it but didn’t want to sound too enthusiastic about it, so I tried to not sound eager when I agreed. He didn’t pretend at all and practically screamed out his approval.

Katilyn instructed him to stand up. He complied. She commented that he was overdressed — he was still wearing his swimsuit and a shirt, and sandals. He threw off his sandals and started to take off his shirt, but she put her hand on his chest and said that she would do it. She made a slow show of lifting his shirt off and over his head, but as she was a bit shorter than him it was also awkward. As she tried to pull it off we all laughed, which maybe helped ease some of the tension in the room at the moment.

She continued to narrate each thing she was doing, as she slipped her hands around inside his swimsuit, and pulled it down. This was an exciting moment for me, I had really wanted to see her touch another man, especially touching him there. She did touch his ass some as she undressed him and clearly looked at his cock, even commented on it, but didn’t appear to touch it. She commented that it looked ready. She said nothing about the size of it. It was a bit longer than mine, maybe an inch, but it was quite a bit thicker. I have no idea how much, but noticeably so. I don’t know if she cared about this or not, but either she was very turned on or determined to give me a show — or both. She grabbed the bottle of oil again and instructed him to lay on the bed. He laid down face up, and she giggled and told him she’d start on his back, so he needed to flip over. I would have preferred she skipped ahead, but she seemed determined to take her time. She made a show of sitting on his legs, rubbing oil all up and down his entire body, and especially spending time rubbing his ass. As she did she continued to describe it out loud. Her description wasn’t terribly sexy, it was more clinical, but I was so turned on that it seemed quite sexy to me none the less.

Suddenly, she stood up, slapped him on the ass, and told him to turn over. As he did so, he reached out a hand to touch her, and she gently pushed it away. She moved around to the other side of the bed and sat down cross-legged next to his waist. With her on that side, I could fully see what was going on. She looked so amazingly sexy with her beautiful breasts out and a little grin on her face. I could hardly wait for more. As she began dripping oil over his chest and slowly rubbing it in, she continued her narration. I imagined she was enjoying his chest, as her narration now included some admiration for his muscles, but it still wasn’t overtly sexual.

Finally, she grabbed the bottle again and dripped some oil down his stomach, and onto his erection. It was standing straight up in the air and was clearly dying for her attention. Her hand just grazed the head and Austin’s body jumped, as did mine. It was like a shot of electricity through the room. Moments later, she wrapped her hand around his hard cock. It seemed even bigger to me now, as her hand looked tiny on it. As she started to slowly stroke, and describe it, that was all I could stand. I couldn’t hold back any longer. I let out a low guttural yell as I came hard all over my hand. That yell was unusual for me, and both of them turned to look at me and stopped for a moment. Katlyn sort of giggled, congratulated me and got back to work. I leaned back to enjoy the rest of the show, but I was just as hard as before.

My wife now seemed entirely focused on the task at hand. She had stopped with the narration and was focused on stroking him with one hand, while the other hand roamed around his body. She was trying to figure out where else he liked to be touched. Eventually, she kind of settled on his nipple that was closest to her. I was intently watching her hand stroke up and down his cock, and every once in a while looking over at his face. That is until I realized she was staring directly at me. She was looking at me in the eyes as if to say this was for me. That was enough to get me started touching my cock again, I was just as hard as before.

Austin’s body started to move a little more, and he was thrusting his hips up. She intensified her pace and continued to intently stare into my eyes. I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Suddenly, he threw his arms over his head and yelled out in pleasure. He thrust his hips forward and started to spew his load upward. She didn’t let up and continued to try to stroke every last drop out of him as he slowly calmed down. From his yell and the amount of sperm, it sure seemed like he came very hard. She jumped up, grabbed a towel, wiped him down a bit, and ran into the bathroom. Soon I heard the shower running.

I think both Austin and I felt a little odd now without her in the room. He slipped on his shorts and I did the same. I was still aroused, but it was starting to calm down. He told me how awesome that was and he hoped to have another chance to do more with her. I told him I wasn’t sure the night was over, but he insisted it was for him. He told me he could tell from her body language that was as much as she was going to do with him, at least for the night. That made sense to me, once he pointed it out. I wished him a good night and he told me to thank Katlyn for him once more.

Once Austin had left, I had a sudden inspiration to join my wife in the shower. She was still in there. So I stripped down again and opened the door to the bathroom. I figured she was in there cleaning up and I’d just join her and see what happens. But that isn’t what she was doing. She was laying in the tub, the shower was on, hot water running over her whole body. She had her pink dildo, the one that sort of looked like a cock out, and was shoving it inside her. Her other hand was furiously stroking her clit. I’ve seen her play with this toy before, and I love it. Her eyes were closed, and I wasn’t sure that she heard me come in. But instead of saying anything, I just got closer to the tub so I could really see what she was doing. Of course my cock was quite ready to go, so as I stood by watching I began furiously stroking myself. I loved watching her do this, she was very aroused and shoving the plastic toy in and out of her. This was the vibrating one, and I knew she loved the sensations especially when she held it deep inside her. It wasn’t long before I could see her orgasm building. I was trying to wait for her, but just knowing she was about to come pushed me over the edge. Just like last time, I yelled out and started to come, shooting my load toward her in the tub. Hearing this, she opened her eyes and stared right at me. She upped the intensity of both of her hands and came hard. Her whole body convulsed, but she tried her best to keep her eyes open and staring at me.

Once she had calmed, I grabbed a wet towel and wiped her down, I wanted to make sure I’d not left anything on her. I turned off the shower, helped her out, and wrapped her in a big robe. She kissed me on the cheek and told me she needed sleep. I followed her to the bed and tucked her in. I told her I love her, she mumbled something and closed her eyes.

This was quite the day. While I wanted to take things a bit farther, this was still beyond anything I thought could have happened before. I hoped that we’d have more adventures in the future, but right now I was happy to let her sleep.–11–2018/

