Introduction To Employment Law:

4 min readJan 13, 2022


What is employment law?

Employment laws in the United Kingdom are made to protect both employers and employees.

These rules are designed to protect workers’ rights while simultaneously protecting the interests of employers and maintaining a fair working relationship. So, these laws are for the safety of both.

Benefits Of Employment Law:

Employees in the United Kingdom are protected by employment laws, which cover everything from hiring methods to workplace conduct and fair compensation. For example, employers must pay the National Minimum Wage based on an employee’s age, and all employees over the age of 23 are entitled to the National Living Wage.

Firstly, we should know that there are four different types of workers, as follows:

Full-time workers: These workers work an average of 40 hours per week and are eligible for benefits like health insurance, vacation time, and paid time off. Their agreement is normally issued by the employer and contains the employee’s responsibilities such as working hours and days, incentives, dismissal, notifications, and relevant laws.

Part-time work: Typically, workers who work less than 40 hours a week fall into the category of part-time workers. They are usually paid by hours rather than salary. The employer should consider the flexibility of time for these workers; they should also be included in regular meetings to keep communication lines open. Benefits given to full-time workers should be pro-rated for part-time workers where practicable.

Seasonal: Seasonal employees are hired for a limited time to meet a company’s demands. Generally, they help with increasing labor demand or seasonal work. They will not be eligible for any company benefits.

Temporary: Temporary employees are hired for a defined length of time, such as six months.

They may also be employed to work on a specific project and then leave the firm. They are also not eligible for allowances that the company offers to full-time workers. The employer should try to learn from them.

What does employment law include (a brief description)?

An employment agreement is a written contract between both parties that spells out the terms and circumstances of the employee’s position. The contract will spell out the employee’s basic obligations and duties, as well as their working hours, working environment, and employee rights.

Employment in the United Kingdom is defined as “a contract of service.” It is a contract in which both the employer and the employee have mutual obligations. An occupational contract gives the employer the authority to decide when and how the task is accomplished.

Workers have a legal right to a minimum hourly wage based on their age. The UK government sets the minimum wage rates, which are published on its website.

In addition, the contract may contain any company expectations, such as overtime guidelines or mileage refund claims. Before signing this contract, employees should ask their employers any questions they may have. Employment contracts are frequently considered when an employee files a legal claim against their company.

Some of this legislation will deal directly with workplace equality concerns, which are critical to avoiding discrimination lawsuits, as stated above. Others are more concerned with ensuring that your company is managed securely and efficiently.

Statutory sick pay (SSP) may be due to employees who are absent from work for four or more days due to illness. Proof of disability may be required by the employer. For anyone time of incapacity every three years, SSP is payable for up to 28 weeks.

Employees are also entitled to a minimum of 28 days of paid vacation each year under the Working Time Regulations of 1998. (pro-rated for part-time workers). This can include public holidays, which in England are usually eight each year.

All women are eligible for maternity leave and provided they have been consistently working for 26 weeks at the end of the 15th week prior to the projected week of childbirth, they will be entitled to maternity pay. We will not go into depth on the complicated maternity pay qualifying conditions in this session. Maternity leave can be taken for up to 52 weeks (39 weeks are compensated), with two weeks of mandatory maternity leave following the birth of the baby. Law Essay Help UK

Paternity leave of two weeks is also available to fathers who take it in a continuous period within 56 days of the child’s birth. Paternity compensation is also possible for up to two weeks under the law. After one year of service, parents are entitled to a total of 18 weeks of unpaid leave to care for their children under the age of five. Employees who adopt a child are entitled to statutory adoption leave and pay. The laws for these family-centered rights are complicated, and the government is actively reviewing them.

