An Ode to The Blue PearlThey say you are but a speck of dust Floating in the vastness of empty space.Apr 23, 2022Apr 23, 2022
Spaces Within DreamsNocturnal sounds carved the air outside my hut. I was scared and not ashamed to admit it to myself. I projected my fear into the dark as I…Sep 5, 2021Sep 5, 2021
WitnessThat shroud of Dark Space That let the Light propagates Draws me in again Where I laid Spent, and still dazed At its silent mocking gazeJan 15, 2020Jan 15, 2020
The Mystery EnergyThey say energy is finite An Inexhaustible finite You cannot add to it you cannot diminish it. It is just there, nothing you can do…Jan 13, 2020Jan 13, 2020
Pages from my diaryWe met once already. At TGIF in Yokohama. At night. I remember looking around the crowded train station. Guessing who she might be amongst…Jun 20, 2017Jun 20, 2017