Coral Island Harvest Festival Guide

4 min readNov 25, 2023


Coral Island is a fun game that has many different events and festivals. These happen twice a month over four seasons and offer players the chance to socialize with other players, play mini-games, compete in various activities, and win prizes. These prizes can include flowers, fruit, and Mooncakes. These additions make the game more enjoyable and can also help boost players’ happiness.

One of the festivals in Coral Island is the Harvest Festival or Mooncake Festival, which takes place in the fall. It starts on the 15th day of fall and takes place in Alun-Alun Square on the east side of the lake, the same place where the cherry blossom festival happened.

To join in the Harvest Festival, players can interact with the Harvest Festival balloon that appears in the area. Once the event starts, players can mingle with other players or play mini-games at the venue.

During the Harvest Festival, there is a competition that players can enter. A judge will look at the player’s display in six categories: fruits, vegetables, flowers, crop goods, barn products, and craftsmen items. The score is based on the amount, average price, and quality of the items in the player’s display. The higher the score, the more awards the player will receive.

How To Join Harvest Festival Competition in Coral Island?

To participate in the festival, you must be at the right place at the right time, within two hours of the festival’s starting time, and you also must place agricultural products in empty crates located at the far right of Alun-Alun Square. It’s important to prepare the items beforehand because they don’t return after the festival has ended. The quality, basic price, and quantity of the items are compared to those of other farmers’ exhibits to determine the winner.

You will receive an invitation about two days before the festival, including information about the events and schedule so you can plan accordingly. Although attendance at the festival is not mandatory, it’s highly recommended as it’s a great way to have fun and connect with the people of Coral Island in a unique way.


The Essence of the Harvest Festival

In order to win the Harvest Festival competition, you need to score high enough to reach the top five. At the heart of the Harvest Festival lies a competition where players display their best items across six categories:

  1. Vegetables
  2. Fruits
  3. Flowers
  4. Coop Products
  5. Barn Products
  6. Artisan Products

At the festival, it’s not just about the quantity of items being presented, but also the quality and value that they hold. Each item is carefully judged based on how much they are expected to sell for, which means that selecting what to present is a highly strategic decision.

The reward for the winner depends on your rank and includes a beautiful flower arrangement for beginners, a special irrigation system version of the flowers for intermediate-level farmers, three delicious Mooncakes for experienced farmers, and an impressive Graven Giants Ring for the most renowned farmers.

Tips To Win Harvest Festival Competition

  1. Plan Ahead: The key to excelling at the Harvest Festival starts much before the event itself. Plant and nurture high-value crops and products throughout the year with an eye on the festival.
  2. Quality Over Quantity: Always aim for the highest quality in your items. A bronze potato might score more points than a lesser quality osmium turnip due to its higher sell value.
  3. Diversify Your Entry: Ensure a diverse range of items in each category. This not only increases your chances of scoring high but also reflects your versatility as a farmer.
  4. Community Insight: Engage with the Coral Island community. Veteran players often share tips and tricks that can give you an edge in the competition.
  5. Enjoy the Process: Remember, the Harvest Festival is as much about community and celebration as it is about competition. Enjoy the festive atmosphere and interactions with fellow islanders.

Integrating with the Gameplay

The Harvest Festival is a big part of Coral Island, and it’s more than just a simple event. It’s designed to get players excited about farming, taking care of their crops, and planning ahead. Doing well in the festival isn’t just about earning rewards in the game — it’s also a way to feel proud of yourself for becoming a better farmer and strategist.

Join the celebration, bring your best, and let the Harvest Festival be a mirror to your journey in Coral Island, a journey filled with growth, learning, and, most importantly, fun.

Take a look at Lawod’s extensive Coral Island content page, where you can find guide, news, and more about the game.

