Race is My Uniform

Lawrence Turner
1 min readFeb 7, 2018


Has anyone ever bothered to spend a minute thinking about why racial groups tend to have similar identifying features ?

Have you ever thought about the fact that within each racial group there exists many smaller groups ?

How do you recognize a member of your group ?

If you are a Ubangi you might stretch your lip with a clay saucer.

Or if you are Lakota you might tie an eagle feather to a few strands of hair.

Now I know you, you are just like me.

A uniform is a set of standard clothing worn by members of a group used to identify that individual as belonging to the group.

Skin is an example of the clothing of the human form by Mother Nature.

Skin is used as an identifying characteristic, just as a uniform is used as an indentifying factor.

As long as race is held up to the light and called out as an identifying factor it will be used as an indentifying factor in the same way that a uniform is used as an identifying factor.

Are you with us or against us ?

Bring it on !



Lawrence Turner

Morning Star Athbhreith Athbheochan Kwisatz Haderach Druid