China and The United States: The Internet Generation

As the rest of the world grows more connected through the rise of social media, and the interconnectivity of global business, the world’s two largest economies remain disparate in all but the youth of the world ambitions.

Digital Lawrence
3 min readOct 18, 2018

Opinion: By James Lawrence (Wrote from Shanghai to San Francisco)

Between the sheer distance of the two countries, the language barrier, and the Great Firewall of China, it’s no wonder there’s such a lack of accurate information shared between the two.

The current geo-political events aren’t doing much to bridge the chasm between them either.

In ages gone last, these differences would have been enough to completely isolate, but times have changed.

So, what exactly has changed?

The Internet runs the world, and the youth run the Internet.

The world’s millennials largest bloc of Millennials reside in Asia. Where about 58 percent of global Millennials live in Asia — Source

It’s easy to see why many people feel like Asia is leading from a technology perspective, or at least leading in terms of adoption of emerging technologies.

Beside the the normal things that American Millennials like such as: nice haircuts, cool sneakers, fun music, great coffee, and healthy eating options, there is a shared deeper bond, between the youth globally, that I’ve learned from traveling.

People our age, want to feel like they can communicate and express themselves openly, make a impact in their community, and have the opportunity to leave the world a little bit better place.

I think most millennials feel the economic systems of the world made it just a little easier for our parents and grandparents generations to accumulate wealth and avoid debt.

The millennial generation, well, the media likes to give us a lot of problems, like we’re selfish, lazy, or entitled, and I’m not sure why we get that bad wrap exactly. But maybe the old guard feels some type of change coming, and they’re not sure how to react.

Anecdotally speaking, and also according to some research as well, millennials classify themselves as more generous and empathic then their previous generational counterparts. And that says something alright.

I think the reason why we “feel more”, is because we grew up on the Internet, making us the first humans on earth globally connected to humanity.

It’s hard to imagine what life was like before the Internet, I remember briefly being around 7 or 8, using dialup to “browse the web”, but at that time though the Internet was the painfully slow.

But this global web of data, music, photos, videos, and text, is pushed forward by today’s youth.

Hate it or love, young people run the Internet, which is one of the only areas in the world where millennials are in charge or even in positions of power.

So what now?

Millenials realize we don’t have the power to control the normal structures of society at the moment (Banks, Congresses, Universities), so we’ll seize our power digitally, since that it “our world”.

The next logical step, after controlling almost every area of the Internet?

It’s Money..

Digital Money..

aka $Crypto

To be continued..

