Lawrence McCurry
1 min readApr 20, 2017


Have you even ever read the paper Craig? First of all YOUR WARD NEWS is NOT a Nazi publication! That is a lie spread by Warren Kinsella for personal and political reasons. Second This review process is about the Liberal government trying to stop a paper that has been critical of the Marxist Liberal party. Although I have sympathy for your grandfather this review is really about the government curtailing the free speech rights of the editor and the publisher and freedom of the press, period. You only would get standing if you were directly affected and you and your cause are not. Most people who complain about this publication complain they were offended by the content (Many without ever having read it) and frankly that’s just too bad. Being offended is like beauty, it’s in the eye of the beholder. People who receive the paper who don’t want it are welcome to line their bird cage with it. As a staff writer I have no concern for your feelings or anybody else’s for that matter, my only concern is truth and accuracy. Your above article (and picture)is nothing more than propaganda, YWN has never endorsed killing or gassing anybody nor would we endorse violence of any kind past or future. I stand behind every word of any article YWN has published under my byline. It’s you who should be ashamed for alluding we endorse anything close to the shocking picture posted above. knock off the lies and propaganda, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

