EmberJS+Firebase Journey #1 — Using Ember Power Select

Lawrence Tan
2 min readSep 28, 2016

So from my previous post, I was mentioning about creating a simple cms. So after following (http://yoember.com/)’s tutorial, I managed to get a few CRUDs up and running, so I decide to increase in my CMS user experience. I needed a dropdown. My first choice was to use (http://www.ember-power-select.com/), a very well documented and easy-to-customise dropdown tool.

Installing this was simple, just run “ember install ember-power-select” in the command-line and do a “@import “ember-power-select”;” in app.scss to get it integrated and usable…



Lawrence Tan

Googler. Loves God, Loves my wife, Loves my Family & Corgis.