Hello There

Frank Lou
1 min readApr 14, 2020


A brief introduction to Lay2 team.

We are a dev team focused on blockchain applications. And yes, 「 Lay2 」is from the concept「 layer 2 」, as we believe that the prosperity of the blockchain ecology must be achieved through a layered architecture. Also, the pronunciation of Lay2 is much like a Chinese word 「雷兔」, which means 「 thunder rabbit 」in English. So you can find some elements of thunder and rabbit in the logo, and these are exactly what we want to achieve — to be fast and flexible.

Currently we are working with Nervos Network, a public blockchain project whose vision is to build a layer 1 designed for layer 2. We fully agree with this vision and firmly believe that some real value-producing blockchain applications can be made together with Nervos team. Recently, Lay2’s grant proposal pw-sdk was approved by Nervos Foundation, and we are also working on a new generation crypto wallet project called p-wallet, a CKB web wallet which runs in any Ethereum wallet’s dApp browser.

Our website is lay2.dev, and we will also update our progress through this Medium account. Besides, we are happy to welcome you to our discord channel and have a instant contact with us.

