How Coronavirus Made me Rethink my Need to Control Everything

Layane Moura
8 min readMar 13, 2020
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I don’t know about you on the other side, but I am one of those people who like to have every little detail diligently planned and who feel helpless when something goes a millimetre out of place.

Someone who needs to know how and when everything will happen, that is, to know what tomorrow and next week will be like, and what are the plans for the near and distant future.

Even if you are not as discerning as I am, I am sure that at least in some ways, you have something programmed. The holidays, a football game every Wednesday and Thursday, dinner with the family to celebrate the grandma’s birthday and the entrance to that festival, which will take place in 2 months, but the tickets are already purchased.

Well, then. Following the natural course of life, on March 12th, a rainy and cold Thursday, my husband and I were peacefully waiting to receive our payment which, here in Dublin, where we have lived since the beginning of last year, is done weekly.

The idea was to go to the supermarket the next day.

We planned to buy some items because due to the frequency of payment and the scarcity of space in the refrigerators and cabinets of the apartments, which are almost always shared, we ended up getting into the habit of making our shopping more…



Layane Moura

Brazilian Emigrant | Living in Dublin | Writing about Productivity, Self-Improvement, Lifestyle, Travel, Culture, Fiction and Poetry