Why is your bunny jumping over your leg?

Lukas Ondris
1 min readApr 28, 2019


Just a few days ago my bunny started acted really weird. He started jumping around and over my legs whenever left out of his cage. He’s 4 years old and had never done this before, so I was a little weirded out by it.

So I went online to search why is he doing it. I quickly found out that it is a common thing for non spayed rabbits to do when they are horny. The only weird thing is they usually start doing it when six weeks old. My bunny only started a few days ago in his fourth year of life.

Sadly there are only two solutions to the problem. You can either get your bunny spayed or find him a bunny mate. I will probably opt for the spaying option as bad as it sounds because it is also supposed to make the bunny live longer and make him less susceptible to cancer.

spring can do wonders with rabbits

