Life of a Simple High-school Student in the Philippines

Elaizah Mae
4 min readSep 5, 2021


Studying here in the Philippines is really kind of different in the other countries. Especially if your a High-school Student, our school-year starts at June and ends at March so we have Two-months of Vacation from April to May. While schools outside the country usually starts the school-year at August or September.

Also when you study at a Public school, we have this program which happen before or after the enrollment. We called it “Brigada” which is a program for parents or students including school staffs to help each other in preparing the school for the opening of classes. So when June comes opening of classes usually happen at the the First Monday of June, and in our school they tell us our section and adviser during the enrollment so it wouldn’t be hard for us to find it at the first day of school.

© DepEd Philippines, Example of a Brigada Poster for the S.Y. 2021–2022

And finally the First day of class has arrived, most students wake up early to prepare for school especially those students whose studying at a school where class usually starts at 7 Am or 8 Am. But in case of my school our class starts at 6 Am and ends at 12 in the afternoon, because there is lot of students that our school couldn’t handle to give each students a whole day class. So they divide us into 2 sessions of classes the morning session who starts at 6 am is where I belong, and then the afternoon session who starts at 1 Pm in the afternoon is where my other friends belong.

So because my class start at 6 I have to wake up at 5 or 4:30 Am to prepare early, especially if its First day of classes since you have to attend the Flag ceremony. I remember when I was in my 1st year I was so nervous in going to my First day since I was a transferee and I really don’t know anyone, so I got late and I didn’t got to attend the flag ceremony anymore. But in my 2nd year I got to attend since I was so excited in seeing my friends for another school-year.

My usual routine is to take a bath first then eat my breakfast, then I’ll prepare myself before leaving at 5:30. And since my school is kind of far from our house I have to ride 2 public transport because we don’t have a school bus, First I have to ride a motorcycle or tricycle that will take me outside our street where I have to ride the second transport which is a jeepney, it will be the one to take me to my school. Then after riding the jeepney I need to walk for a few minutes before finally arriving at my school.

Nothing really happens at first day, we just voted for our class officers then get to know our adviser and other classmates, it was a day for us to adjust and prepare ourselves for tomorrow where real classes starts. Because in second day we will meet our Teachers in each subject, and because we only have a half of the day class we just have Six classes. 3 Before recess and 3 after recess and after that we got to go home, and each day we got no classes for that 1 subject because it will be replace by our ESP(Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao) or Araling Panlipunan Class.

Each month of the school-year we have different kinds of program but our most favorite one is the “Intrams” or “Intramurals” it usually happens during Last week of August or 1st weeks of September. For us students it is the best time where we got to enjoy different things with our friends, especially in our school because we have a Foam party every 1st day of Intrams after the opening program.

© F.BustamanteNhs SSG page, a photo of our Intramurals 2019

There is no such easy thing to do to survive a school year, we have lots of happy and hard days. We learn and have fun each day, we also have lots of day that end up tiring but we always make sure to laugh it out and enjoy things wherever it ends. Until we never notice how fast the time change, its another end of the school-year full of memories. I wake up early in the morning and go to school, attend classes and go home every afternoon, then get some sleep for a few hours, before waking up and do some chores, then at night after dinner do some school stuffs that needed to be do, then chill for a few minutes before going to sleep, it was always my routine for the whole school year and I’m glad that I survive.

And as another school-year comes you never got to notice that your almost graduating from Junior High-school. Your going to be a Senior High-school for 2 years before the real life starts, your going to College where the starting line of your future career starts. In the Philippines High-school Life is one of the best part of your life they say “High-school Life is the Best”, its where you can do and experience things you never know you’ll experience.

Enjoy High-school while it last,because you never know the 6 years will end soon.



Elaizah Mae

I'm a Simple Student from the Philippines, I used to write at wattpad. I love writing srories about things around me, especially sharing things about my life.