Lazar Ljubenović
2 min readSep 1, 2017


Angular reactivity — kind of?! What?! Angular is built on reactive programming with RxJS!

What I’ve got from this article was: “me and my team do not want to spend time learning Angular and everything you need to know to work with Angular, so we moved to a simpler solution”. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

There are also projects, and projects. Different things require different technologies. Maybe your project was fine with Vue. Maybe your team was fine with Vue. Maybe the combination of your project and your team was fine with Vue.

We already have enough articles which attempt to compare The Big Three and I see nothing new in this one.

It’s just full of your own personal opinion and is based on your experience. You didn’t want to learn JSX, but you’ve learned Vue’s template syntax instead. You found it easier. Some people find JSX easier. You couldn’t grasp Angular because you had no contact with TypeScript. If you do not understand the benefit of TypeScript, then you’ve never used any strongly typed language for a large period of time, which means you simply do not understand the benefit of having static types in your codebase.

Did you know that you can use JSX in Vue? Templates you write in Vue are compiled to render functions. JSX is also compiled to render functions. It’s not all that different.

Also, functional components in Vue require writing the render function manually, either through raw code or via JSX. The fact that you didn’t need this again tells me that your own project is simply more suited for Vue instead of Angular or React.

I understand that every article ever will boil down to a personal opinion, but your tone makes it look like you’ve discovered something new and you’re trying to enlighten us mortals to stop using other frameworks because they’re inferior to Vue.

