Batch Brew: why have it in your cafe and how to make it?

Lázeňská káva
2 min readSep 28, 2022


Cafés that offer filtered coffees are catering to their customers who like a bigger cup of black coffee. In addition to the larger volume, filtered coffee is also characterised by the gradual release of flavours and the chance to discern even the subtle details and characteristics of a particular coffee in the cup.

Batch Brew
Batch brew becomes a barista’s best friend at peak times. It saves him time, plus this coffee is consistently high quality cup after cup. Image source: Canva pro

Filter coffee as a sign of a good café

If as a guest you come across a café that offers filter coffee in addition to traditional espresso, you can assume that they are interested in and understand coffee. Trained staff skilled in the proper preparation of coffee should be a must for any café.

How to make Batch Brew

Although batch brew is made in an automatic machine, it is still the barista who defines the taste of the coffee prepared in this way. The barista has the possibility to adjust the extraction by changing the input parameters. He determines how many grams of coffee to use and how finely it will be ground.


The basic recipe for batch brew is based on the ratio of ground coffee to water, called the brew ratio: 60 g per 1 l. So, first of all, find out the amount of water your machine uses and adjust the starting brew ratio accordingly.

Prepare a batch and taste it. Depending on your opinion, decide whether to adjust the coffee dose or the grind level.


